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Topic: 3CDs set "Rare Diamonds"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
yanouch65 Offline

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Posted: Mar. 05 2006, 05:08

Hi, (sorry for my english...I speak french)

I am looking for some informations about the 3 CDs set "Rare Diamonds". CDs are black, artworks are very good and price is always very expensive on Ebay (between 100 and 400 euros)

Could anybody tell me if it is home made or factory made, official bootlegs,.....anything is welcome.

Thank you

Ray said : "it is a shame you don't play"

manintherain said: "You´d better ask Mr. Y who was first"

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bugular tell Offline

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Posted: Mar. 05 2006, 06:48

they are bootlegs, i have seen them on ebay and they are very expensive, although for a bootleg they are very well produced, some interesting rareities on there too, im not sure but it might be a danish bootleg.

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1 replies since Mar. 05 2006, 05:08 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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