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Topic: Air France flight AF447< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Matt Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 04:56

Just feel the need to get this off my chest. I am sure you have all seen the reports of the Air France flight that went missing a few days back en-route from Rio to Paris. I know at least two tubular.net members live in Brazil - hopefully you haven't lost anybody.

I had the good fortune to visit Brazil at the beginning of this year. Air France Flight AF447 was my return flight. It has been haunting me a bit to think it might be the same plane, possibly the same cabin crew. I remember thinking when I boarded the flight what a well maintained plane it looked and how professional all the crew seemed to be - it gave me a safe feeling for the flight. The flight crew were fantastic - very friendly and professional.

My thoughts are with anybody who knows someone on that flight.



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Philippe Tavares Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 05:30

:/  :/ yes ! Very sad story ! Again a tragedy for people of Brazil ..and this time for people of France too and many others countries like Germany ; this tragedy happens after the one in Sao Paulo ... the city where Tati lives ! Hope all is fine with her and his family !

... this story is very very strange for me and for many others in France , we think all , there's something secret about this tragedy and we will never know the truth , never ! Thunder and lightning can't destroy a plane in a short time like this ! For me this is a bomb or a missile !

.... I know this is not the right moment to say that but alas this reminds me of Five Miles out !
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wiga Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 09:46

Yes Matt, it's been on my mind too - what a terrible tragedy.

I was relieved to see that the 4 tubes on here (that I know are from Brazil and France) have posted recently, including you Tubular Tos.

I didn't realize that people think it could be a terrorist attack - but it does feel kind of weird and haunting.

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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 10:53

I don't think it was terrorist related. A plane from Brazil to France would be a poor choice. Terrorists have a need to make sure the world knows why they did what they did and choose a more high-profile target. In this case, it would accomplish nothing for the terrorist(s). The lightning theory is not very acceptable since the plane was made to withstand it. So many things can cause a plane to stall(the wing, not the engine), we may never know unless a submersible robot finds the black box and it offers anything usable. But it is unfortunate and tragic. I do hope some "closure" is found for the families and to prevent any future repeat. From what a read, the pilot was very experienced with this plane. I think severe turbulance forced it into a stall.

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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 13:03

Funny how the media loves a tragedy like this -- planes crashing in the sea or slamming into buildings are so exciting and gives rise to a multitude of "news reports" with personal tragedies and sad stories, meanwhile the thousands of deaths that happen every month in road accidents become simple statistics.

And it's also a good excuse for opportunistic Mr. Joe Sharkey to throw empty accusations and "questions" at the Brazilian authorities and get rid of his guilt for managing the stunt of crashing his Legacy plane into a huge airliner, sending it headfirst into the middle of the jungle.

But yeah, the TV watching guy doesn't care about that, and finds it far easier to create an illusory sense of sadness and grief in the name of people he doesn't give a damn about, in order to remind himself that he's still somewhat human. It sickens me.

I just can't pretend I know what it feels like to lose a close person to a tragedy like that. I'll be sensitive enough about it and make sure I miss all the jokes and wisecracks, but I can't fake any sympathies. I just wish this incident is taken seriously and that the people involved get the least bit of respect and receive the explanations and compensations (what could possibly compensate that?) they deserve.

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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 14:11

The incident is being taken seriously. I hope that my remarks leading to the conclusion that this flight was not significant enough to attract a terrorist's interest offended you. I believe it was one of those occurances where nature(in this case weather), was more powerful than the craft or crew. The bereavement cannot be measured no matter what the cause was. I have lost my entire family(I'm the sole survivor) to car crash,  then cancer. Never to an airplane crash. If I were in that position, I would scream forever until I got a precise answer as to what caused my loved one's death. I feel this crash was due to a stall created by unforeseen variables and happened very fast. The plane and crew were not at fault I'm sure. I've been watching this story with keen interest, as my father was a pilot. My heart goes out to those who died and their families. I have never been faced with a mystery as to why my mother/brother/sister/father died, I always had a concrete answer. In this case I would be FURIOUS for an answer and would not rest until I had one. I just think, in this case, there might not ever be an answer. Unless technology can find those black boxes so far down in the ocean.

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 15:13

It's such a haunting story that it may take years for us to know what did happen on that flight.It reminds me of some of the stories that you can watch on this TV show -Air Crash Investigation(or Mayday! ). I'm quite curious to know what did happen,since I love aviation and related stuff since I was a child,and air accidents is unfortunetly part of it also.

Air France has one of the cheapest air fares if you want to travel from Brazil to Europe(including connections if necessary),and many people here decide to flight with them.Recently they did a major promo with ads printed on major brazilian magazines...and now,this terrible accident.

God,it's so scary and frightening to fly over the Atlantic Ocean,I did myself twice when I went to England in 1997 and Germany in 2006.I'm not afraid to fly at all,but I know that on this type of route,if you have any problems,can be quite dangerous.

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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 16:13

Quote (Scatterplot @ June 03 2009, 14:11)
The incident is being taken seriously. I hope that my remarks leading to the conclusion that this flight was not significant enough to attract a terrorist's interest offended you.

I wasn't referring to your post at all, don't worry.

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
Also check my Bandcamp page: http://ferniecanto.bandcamp.com
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 17:35

Mum came today from Recife to here by plane,the wait was a bit more anxious than normal,after a disaster like this...next friday Dad is going to do the very same route...so all the anxiety will return...

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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wiga Offline

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Posted: June 03 2009, 18:02

Sir Mustapha - you might be a pain in the arse sometimes  :D - but you're loved  :)

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: June 04 2009, 00:14

The last three posts were removed due to IMHO trolling content in one of them. Sorry, but please review the guidelines.

Sympathies to all of those who have lost loved ones suddenly and tragically.

Matt--that does sound like a disconcerting experience.

Tati--try not to worry. As you know, air travel is still among the safest ways to travel (if not the safest--my youngest daughter asked me about trains, ships, and buses the other day--need to check). In any case, flying is much safer than driving.

I absolutely hate to fly, whether it's around the neighborhood with my brother or across oceans. mountains, or prairies.  If there is another way to conveniently get someplace I'll take it. Scariest experience: Smoke in one of the restrooms en route to Vancouver meant that we had to turn around and go back to the airport. We never gained altitude and the plane sounded weird.

Anyway...the latest reported on Nightline is that one of the  pilots texted Air France indicating really bad weather. Speculation about lightning in the clouds and 100mph winds.  There had been a program on the Weather Channel a few years ago Re: rising global temperatures and its relationship to extreme weather, i.e., more F4 and even stronger tornadoes, more energetic storms of all types. At the time, I wondered about how that would relate to air travel. Hopefully storm tracking will get more and more accurate, as well.  /-:

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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: June 04 2009, 03:35

This tragedy brings us to the reality that life is precious and i feel sorrow for those who lost loved ones, this was a freak event with no fault on the pilots part, extreme weather events are part of severe unpredictable weather, keep safe, deb
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wiga Offline

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Posted: June 04 2009, 06:28

It just goes to show how music says it best:

"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, sooths the mind and gives rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."

Maxence Cyrin

Barn's burnt down - now I can see the moon.
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