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Topic: Are you a bit Autistic Test< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
wiga Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 04:25

Are you a bit Autistic test

I scored 11.

(not boasting)  ;)

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larstangmark Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 05:05

Not the least bit autistic either. I scored 14.

Sometimes I wish I was a bit more autistic. I would benefit from being a bit more self-absorbed and not so concerned with the feelings and welfare of people around me.

I realize that using the term "autistic" as some kind variable is more than a little bit disrespectful to those actually autistic, but hey! internet tests are great fun!  
Lars T

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Matt Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 05:20

N-N-N-N-Nineteen for me - thought it would be higher than that ;)

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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 05:33

Boring. 14. Honestly these do it yourself psychology tests are dangerous. Without a consultation with a mental health professional how would you know? Ask Mike. Im sure he was tortured enough without these internet self diagnosis sites. There are statistics on suicide following visits to these sites. Any one with low self esteem or depression going on this site would if getting the wrong score possibly self harm. For heaven's sake keep these bloody dangerous "tests" where they belong. In the empty cache area of your PC.
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larstangmark Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 05:53

Quote (ex member 419 @ Feb. 12 2010, 05:33)
Boring. 14. Honestly these do it yourself psychology tests are dangerous. Without a consultation with a mental health professional how would you know? Ask Mike. Im sure he was tortured enough without these internet self diagnosis sites. There are statistics on suicide following visits to these sites. Any one with low self esteem or depression going on this site would if getting the wrong score possibly self harm. For heaven's sake keep these bloody dangerous "tests" where they belong. In the empty cache area of your PC.

Yes, they are dangerous unless they're obviously just for entertainment (don't think this one was).
Social insurance is my business and I meet people daily who have diagnosed themselves with this that and the other. There's so much information and resources on the net that people feel very little need to consult a professional person such as a psychiatrist. This development is problematic for sure.
Insecurity in social situations and odd interests does not necesarily mean autism. People are different, simple as that.

I know that I may tread on a few toes here, but I see it as problematic that all kinds of human shortcomings are systematically being medicalized. If society fails to turn you into a averagely educated, law-abiding, socially competent citizen by the age your 13 then there  must be some kind of ireversible brain damage involved. I'm just not convinced.

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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 05:56

Quote (larstangmark @ Feb. 12 2010, 05:53)
I know that I may tread on a few toes here, but I see it as problematic that all kinds of human shortcomings are systematically being medicalized. If society fails to turn you into a averagely educated, law-abiding, socially competent citizen by the age your 13 then there  must be some kind of ireversible brain damage involved. I'm just not convinced.

I agree. I'm far from convinced, for example, that there's such a thing as "sex addiction". You might just as well say we're all oxygen addicts or food addicts.
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ex member 892 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 15:47

Quote (larstangmark @ Feb. 12 2010, 05:53)
I know that I may tread on a few toes here, but I see it as problematic that all kinds of human shortcomings are systematically being medicalized. If society fails to turn you into a averagely educated, law-abiding, socially competent citizen by the age your 13 then there  must be some kind of ireversible brain damage involved. I'm just not convinced.

Absolutely. And just because kids are active and like to move about we classify them as having disorders and medicate them?!  :/
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Drealm Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 18:36

I scored 27. Today, as I am now 30 y/o, I am more mature and more open to social things. But the same test 15 years ago , I'm sure I would have scored above 32! My mother even bought a book about these kind of symptoms, but nothing went bad as she feared.

I've seen the movie Ben-X, and this was a emotional shock to me; I can honestly say that I was a semi-Asperger (based on this movie), but I think I finally got out of this by myself and by growing up.

Probably Mike Oldfield music ended up being one thing I focused on intensely; while most people were in bars having a drink and socializing, I was alone having a drink while listening to Amarok.
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 20:07

I scored 24. Now what is the significance of that number... I'm sure I saw it on 3 car number plates this week...  :D
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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 20:16

Kids these days really do have things they must deal with that make life very hard. At school, asessed constantly. In the community, assessed according to which family they are from. Kids who are active but do not show signs of Autism often get labelled with ADHD. What ever happened to letting kids who deviate from set norms grow with understanding, love and patience. Pills arent the answer. Teachers like robots for students and have little tolerance for challenging behaviours. Social exclusion leads to kids getting labelled and targeted as they grow. I see the kids when they have been a victim of the Legal System. End up in gaol. Communication skills already poor, they are picked on, bashed and raped in gaol. Its heartbreaking seeing these kids locked up. By the time they are released they trust society even less. Exclusion is made worse by the web with social sites where private lives are public, when a person is bullied in cyberspace it can be fatal. Too many kids are suffering. Its not just the school and home kids have to belong, now its global!
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 20:30

My score was 32. But the problem with tests like those is that my answers are hardly confident at all (Q: I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own. A: Um, well, maybe, it depends, sometimes I like doing things by myself, but other times, eh, well, it depends on the activity, etc. etc. etc.; Q: I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information. A: Um, sometimes, when I start just noticing random stuff on the street, sometimes my mind wanders and I pick up little things, but, well, usually, I don't pay attention at all, but, er, uh; Q: I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than on the small details. A: Uh, well, yes, but I usually go by parts, I usually start with the overall picture, but then I notice the details, and then I, uh, I have no idea). It's too hard to generalise, so I think this is sort of pointless, really.

I have acquaintance when a kid who has Asperger's Syndrome, and he definitely stands out. It's neither a severe case of autism, but it's also not a very slight thing that is hard to pick up. It doesn't take much more than a person with HALF a brain to talk to him and realise that something is just not quite right. I think it's horrible that people have been going around tackling all sorts of "syndromes" and labels to kids, just because they aren't all the same. I blame, at least partly, the laziness of parents for that.

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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 20:55

Hi Sir M, I agree. These tests are very hard to analyse. As they are not controlled studies given to a control group and selected participants with criteria to be measured, conclusions drawn are subjective but not necessarily accurate. It relies on the honesty of the participant in a non scientific environment without supervision. Enjoy for entertainment purposes but don't take the results too seriously!
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Dirk Star Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 21:48

25 for me,and I think like Drealm here had I taken that test a few years ago it may well have been a good deal higher.Also I agree with Sir M some of the questions are really too vague to answer in a completely honest way.And consequently I think you end up slightly agreeing,or slightly dis-agreeing with stuff where what you really want to say is "I don`t know,stop hassling me man,..Just leave me alone"  :p

Personaly I think the main problem with this test is that you probably need to take the "Are you delusional" test first.Followed by the "Are you a bit paranoid" questionairre,where you then need to add up the scores from all three tests,extrapolate the variables and divide by the amount of spare time you`ve got on your hands.If you`re still not sure then you need to vist the website http://Soyouthinkyou`reanarcissist/yesyouprobablyare.com which is pretty much self explanotory.
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ex member 892 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 23:35

I just took it - got a 20. I wasn't quite sure how to answer some of the questions, and also apparently I'm a mass of contradictions - I don't like social situations but I'm a good diplomat...
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Feb. 12 2010, 23:44

11 for me hmmm
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wiga Offline

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Posted: Feb. 13 2010, 00:10

My score would have been a lot higher if I was good with numbers, dates and registration plates, which I'm not - I failed my maths O'level.

I'm a good driver though.

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larstangmark Offline

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Posted: Feb. 13 2010, 04:52

You're all so reasonable in here!  :)  I know forums where my statement would have caused a flame war or two.

Anyway I can't help but wondering what Mike would have scored if he took a break from recording Hergest Ridge in 1974 to make this test.  :O
Lars T

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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 13 2010, 06:01

Well Wiga has given us something to think about! These tests are quite funny really! Now to find out if I have paranoia! Who is that watching me LOL!
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wiga Offline

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Posted: Feb. 13 2010, 09:29

Quote (ex member 419 @ Feb. 13 2010, 06:01)
Well Wiga has given us something to think about!

Do you want more?

If you ever wondered, Jack Nicholson played a guy with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder  (a bit different to plain old OCD) in "As Good as it Gets."

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Feb. 13 2010, 10:17

I am nearly afraid to say I scored an 8, yikes, even if I do look for patterns. I am a librarian by training with a background in cultural anthropology. Of course I look for patterns...after all, one of the early anthropologists, Ruth Benedick, wrote Patterns of Culture. :)  I love to look for patterns in nature, the spiral, for instance, found in everything from our DNA to galaxies. But I still scored an 8, go figure.  :O Guess I prefer to do all that in groups. :D Edited to add: Maybe it's a sign of adult attention deficit disorder, double yikees!

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