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Topic: Earth 2100, apathy kills....billions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: June 09 2009, 02:57

Not very long ago I started seeing ads for an ABC movie called Earth 2100. This was supposed to be made available for viewing across the globe, in hopes deaf ears and blind eyes would realize a kid born today would probably not live beyond 2070. I had to work the night it aired, but about a week later I've seen it(just now). It *should* have evoked real fear in people, and a lot of buzz on the internet(besides the obvious ABC website)but then I did a search on "global warming forums". I visited a few and read posts from threads. No mention of this documentary movie to be found, not in thread names or posts. What scares me is not the show itself but the lame nonsense, political, religious, ignorant posts I read. There's a lot of forums out there.....on every subject. This one is about composer Mike Oldfield. Why is it here is the only place I see intelligent answers to intelligent questions?  Is it because MO listeners are more "keen" or intelligent than the average Joe or Jolene?
    I just want to know if anyone saw it? In the USA, Scotland, Brazil, Canada, Spain, Germany, Australia or England? If so, did it make a difference? An impact? An impression?
    If I can't find buzz on "GLOBAL WARMING" sites than wow, I'm amazed. I was so amazed at the dumb threads, the dumb Democrat/Republican posts. What good is it going to do you in 2050 to be allied with either when you're dying? I came here because Tubular dot net seems to be magnetic north for answers, or opinions. My question for anybody in any country, did you see this movie?
Jim (I get the feeling I'm getting the reputation as the grim reaper of topic starters. I'm still a funny guy(very funny), but I need answers)

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Matt Offline

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Posted: June 09 2009, 04:23

Haven't seen that one. I'll keep an eye out.

To be honest I haven't come to a conclusion about global warming yet. Climate prediction seems to be a *really* complicated thing so I am not sure we can be sure what the impacts of mans activities long term will really be. However, it seems to me pretty clear that we have been responsible for an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere and it makes a huge amount of sense (to me at least) to reduce that since a) we don't know the impact it might have - could be really bad and b) it is mostly caused by use of unsustainable fossil fuels anyway - what about our great-grandchildren etc. etc.

I quite like without hot air which is mostly about sustainable energy in the UK but has loads of interesting facts and comparisons. I don't drive a UFO from the planet Dorkon BTW :D

Jim, since energy storage is one of the major barriers to use of renewable energy you might be interested in EEstor based in Austin, Texas! Might be bogus or might be world-changing. FAQ here and bunch of bonkers people discussing it here.

"I say I say I say I say, what's got three bottles and five eyes and no legs and two wheels"
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Posted: June 09 2009, 05:14

Actually, I give a rats ass about global warming, simply because I don´t believe it.
The Earth has several times been hotter or colder than we have now, icecaps have melted, there have been dense jungle where there now is Sahara desert - all this many thousands years ago, before human population and industrialization.
But hey, global warming has evolved to an ideology - religion if you like, and there is lots and lots of money for the true believers.

The second reason why I don´t care for global warming is, that there is far more and serious danger with other things.
Human population is exploding in numbers and together with the new technology to cure and have people live longer, we will soon outgrow this fucking planet. Water shortness, no clean water and famine because of less food worldwide - soon we will have wars - not over borders, not over oil or religion, but war because of lack of water and food.
That is, if we get that far for the extreme morons who try to make nuclear holocaust a reality..

Dark gloomy skies hangs above, the ONLY thing I´m positive about is, that I haven´t set children in this world so they won´t have to go through it in 20-40 years.

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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: June 10 2009, 04:35

Seems like you saw the movie, Prisoner. Cuz that was in it. Big time. My problem with all this, I decided since all the films I saw in the '70's in school, I would not propogate. I was incredibly careful. But I have been ostracized for years for never being a father. I would probably be married now had I had a child, no matter from whom. But I took my path 30+ years ago. My hell, my purgatory is that I made no difference by my sacrifice.
   The rules have changed and will change more.....I have no degree, but I have studied human psychology so closely I am a PHD. With online BS(as in bullshit) colleges claiming this and that........hey I'm a PHD! Sue me!
   Anyway I have diagnosed this race(human) as a collective, as manic depressive and suicidal. It want's to die.....badly. Don't ask me why. No, I can tell you why. It was programmed to. By religious documents written long ago "be fruitfull and multiply to add more to tithe to the church"  Incredibly suicidal. All it had to do was maintain it's population at 3-4 billion. It was warned. It was educated far back in the '70s of consequences. Oh well, whatever. I'm done with this. The education did not work. Goodbye(in 2080 or so).

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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: June 10 2009, 07:00

:p one thing is certain, long after humans have inhabited  the earth and cease to exist, life will go on, evolution, adaption to climate, by other life forms,we are tenants, here temporarily, deb
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The Caveman Offline

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Posted: June 11 2009, 09:37

Good point Deb.Unfortunatley we've turned out to be the tennants from hell and i doubt we'll be getting the deposit back!
 The thing to remember is that while i do hold humans (and i include myself here-i'm no better ot worse than anyone else yer honour)for buggering the planet we have only been here for a very very short time as a species.Neaderthal man was around for a hell of a lot longer than we have so far and we're talking millions rather than thousands of years.I believe humans will eventually die out as the evidence we have from history rather points to every dominant species having been wiped out at some point.I just don't think it will be for a while and i really doubt earth itself will be gone at the same time.Unless of course some little guy in Korea proves himself to be as unhinged as everyone thinks he is! :laugh:

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BlueTape Offline

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Posted: June 11 2009, 18:52

Since we are on a simular sort of subject, for the last couple of months I've been reading into the the 2012 prophecies, on what is believed could happen on a certain date that was perdicted by the mayan calander, thousands of years ago.

google 2012 or do a search on youtube but try to have an open mind to what you read cause lets face it, you never know!

this is also a good forum to check out http://2012forum.com/forum/index.php

my music website
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: June 13 2009, 18:38

The Mayan calendar will be reset--probably on December 21 after 1,871,866.725 days (365.2422 x 5125--the number of years/days it will be in 2112 since the count began). Then, another calendar will begin. There are still over 6 million Mayas around, and some of them are priests that understand Mayan calendrics. I remember reading something to that effect a couple years ago. Even though the Guatemalan government in particular tried to stamp out Mayan culture, it had no more success (thank goodness) than had the USA with its horrible policies imposed on Native people (e.g., there was a period in US history when Native kids were sent to boarding schools and beaten if they spoke their own language; under Andrew Jackson, who graces our $20 bill, small-pox infested blankets were "gifted" to people like the Blackfoot Nation. Horrible, horrible stuff, what humans do to each other--on all sides).

Anyway....I've never figured out how to read the Mayan calendar. I have one, but it's lost on me.  They counted a 260-day cycle and also a 365-year (what we'd call a solar year)--and it was very accurate--365.2550 days as opposed to "modern" measurements of 365.2422 (from Anthony Aveni's Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomies of Lost Civilizations). Western Culture takes it's "long count" from the year Christ was born (or, roughly from there and with a few changes along the way).  That is our "long count" - we're now 2,009 years into it, or 733,771.5798 days.  The "long count"  on the Mayan calendar began in 3113 BC-5122 BCE as of 2009-the year that the Mayas marked the creation of their current world-order. I don't know enough about the reasoning behind starting new counts to know for sure the significance of a new count beginning in 2012, but if I were a betting person, I would think it had to do with some aspect of astronomy and precessional shifting of the earth's axis, which causes stuff to eventually rise at a different time of the year. The cycle is 26,000 years.  Helical risings (the first time you see a star, constellation, object rise in the pre-dawn sky after it has been absent for months) were very important for many societies. There are still Andeans who plant only after they see the helical rising of the Pleiades.

I know a "bit" more (though far from everything) about the Inkaic calendar, which is different than the Mayan one--they used the entire landscape and adapted the calendar to the land. For example, the geography at Cusco is much different than Machu Picchu, and yet the calendar was established at both sites. They also used lineage wakas and quipus (system of knotted strings) to track. (BTW--they sell Mayan calendars in Peru--tourists were buying them thinking they were Inkan! ) In all likelihood, the Inkas and other Andean groups knew about the precession of the earth's axis, and their world ages (pachas) focused on major precessional shifts. See William Sullivan's: The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy, and the War Against Time.

If we learn anything from the lessons of history and the struggles of people in the past, here is an opportunity. The lesson to be learned is that really bad things happen when you mix doomsday thinking with the problems at hand. For the Inkas and Mayas, it was the arrival of the Spanish when their cultures were being ripped apart by disease. The Inkas were also experiencing a civil war, and the predicament of precessional shift (maybe the Mayas were too--I haven't looked at it ethnologically) -- the Milky Way's helical rising wasn't going to align with the summer solstice any longer. How would they communicate with Wiraquocha, who traveled down the Bridge to walk amongst them at that time? A very dangerous period. Very unfortunate that Pizzaro happened along at that time. Cahokia, outside of St. Louis, once supported 30,000 people--the largest city in North America until Philadelphia surpassed it in the early 1800's.  What happened to them?  A combination of things--environmental change that resulted in starvation, disease, other groups attacking, and probably inner strife, as well. Their society was structured similarly to the Toltecs, another Meso-American culture, and they had a "woodhenge" --astronomy had a role in their society, as well. Did they, too, fall  apart during a precessional shift? (Can look at this.) My new mission is to look at the Inka world ages against stuff going on in the other statehoods in the Americas. :)  

What are we facing today? Like them, global disharmony at a very dangerous time, pandemic infections, environmental change, shortage of resources. When their world was ripped apart by warfare that led to starvation and the unraveling of society, the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) forged a path of dialogue and diplomacy to create one of the longest lived democracies on the planet that continues to this day.  Peace is never easy. Aionwatha had to negotiate with the man responsible for the death of his entire family. You know the modern day equivalents. There are positive models to follow if we look at our planet's history in an inclusive way.

My suggestion is to focus on what is possible to do, and to not take too much stock in prophecies. There have always been doomsayers. I have lost much of my optimism for the future, but it's been replaced by realism, which maybe isn't such a bad thing.

I finally figured out what dead people I'd like to invite to dinner:  Keepers of the calendar from the Mayas, Inkas, and Cahokians (not the name for themselves--that's been lost), Nostradamus, Dr. Dee, Queen Elizabeth I (cos I really like her), Carl Sagan, Sartre, and Nietzsche--and with a universal translator, of course. :)

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: June 13 2009, 20:14

:p best advice? live each day as if it were your last, do those things you only dreamed of! any thing is possible! life is to be enjoyed to the full, have no regrets eh and when the bell tolls, say now that was a good life! deb
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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: June 14 2009, 01:47

This 2012 thing is one obsession that points to humanity being suicidal. Even picked the date to pull the trigger and put themselves' down. Whether it's religion, Nostradamas' predictions, weejee boards, tarot cards or whatever, this species has always been obsessed with dying(or killing)while all other species are obsessed with living. The movie I was referring to did end on a happy note. Basically, that cleaning all this carbon up can become the new multi-trillion dollar industry for everyone. To create millions of jobs and give people purpose. Building all of the solar, wind, fusion/fission and water tools we will need . That presupposes that humans are capable of uniting for a single purpose. I have never believed in miracles. But it would be nice.There was a reference to FDR telling all the auto factories in WW2 to make tanks and jeeps, and sure enough they did. I'll take a job in the solar cell factory! Put me in quality control. Or better yet, I had an idea in high school that chlorophyll could be used to convert light into usable energy. Even though it's been thought up by many.....lemme work there! While I wrote that I had another idea. If chlorophyll eats CO2 and pees O2, figure out a way to make millions of little helium filled balloons(or some other design to make them float) that are coated with a high-tech chlorophyll formula and a self-contained nutrient delivery system and some chemical way of storing all those unwanted Carbon atoms. Their water supply would be abundant in the ever increasing clouds(due to the oceans heating). They could convert all our unwanted CO2 back into O2. Give them a life calculated to make them drop back to the ground at the correct time. Or just give them a life-span of a month. No, their life-span would be determined by the weight of the unwanted Carbon contained in them, which would pull them down. They would have to be designed to keep the Carbon in a form that would remain chemically trapped(some of these devices would fall into oceans and other places where they could not be retrieved) Keep releasing them into the atmosphere until readings of CO2 are back to normal for say, 1875-1900. Cool idea Jim.

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wiga Offline

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Posted: June 14 2009, 03:05

Quote (Inkanta @ June 13 2009, 18:38)
My suggestion is to focus on what is possible to do, and to not take too much stock in prophecies.

Completely agree there.

That's the message I try to get across the local Watchtower folk when they come around. I say to them, if they really must greet me everytime with a scary prophecy - at least break it to me gently, like - "he's on the roof".

Barn's burnt down - now I can see the moon.
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Dirk Star Offline

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Posted: June 14 2009, 21:07

No need to fear it would appear life WILL carry on in march or november 2013

Just last week my 12 year old son came home from school to relay to me the information that the whole world was going to end in 2012.He actualy seemed quite excited by it all in truth,and could`nt wait to tell me..."Will it be before during or after the London Olympics I asked?..Becuase if it really is going to happen,then quite frankly I would rather it was going to be before.Or better still make it 2011,then I would`nt have to put up with all the bloody build up to it either"..

Sadly my son could`nt answer that,but on further elaboration he told me that they`d actualy been learning about "apocolypse" in school.They`d also been given a project wherein they had to speculate as to how the human race might most likely end.By far and away the most popular choice was alien invasion,immenint within the next 3 years.."Bloody typical"..I thought.."We do our damndest to destroy ourselves,and then someone else has to come along and take all the credit".
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