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Topic: Exploring the Maestro 'Worlds'< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Alan D Offline

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Posted: Mar. 16 2008, 15:41

An important part of the fun of Maestro, in addition to the Medals Quest and the Gravitar Quest, is the exploring of the worlds that are found within the game. Often the things that are found have no direct bearing on either of the two quests, but just exist in their own right. This thread will offer a guide to exploring the main 'worlds' within the game, which are:

Terrain (Dinosaur World)
The Bird Cavern
The Castle
The Tubular Bells caverns

However, other worlds that are worth exploring carefully are:

The Chillout World
Wind Turbine World
The Taj Mahal
Outside the Spaceship
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Alan D Offline

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Posted: Mar. 16 2008, 17:42

Exploring Terrain (1)

Walking with Dinosaurs

Take a look at the map of Terrain. In the far northeast corner is a range of mountains with a valley running through the middle. Go there, position yourself somewhere in the valley, and wait.

Sooner or later you'll hear animal sounds, and if you look around you'll see two dinosaurs walking through the valley. You can follow them on their walk, or, if you go close enough, you can 'stick' to them and let them carry you around. You'll find that they leave the valley at the southern end, and continue their walk onto the plain, walking around the foot of the mountains. After a while they'll approach a small forest. If you leave the dinosaurs for a moment, you'll find that the forest is surrounded by a barrier which prevents you from getting into it. The dinosaurs will continue on their way, walking all the way around the forest, until they reach the far northeastern entrance to the valley. They enter the valley and continue to repeat this same loop - through the valley, round the southern foot of the mountain range, round the forest, and back into the valley - over and over again.

Although the forest is 'forbidden' because of the barrier that surrounds it, you can use the dinosaurs to help you get in. Lock onto the dinosaurs and wait as they approach the forest. When they get near to it, swing around so that you're facing away from the forest and press (and hold down) the right hand mouse button. You'll move in reverse, away from the dinosaurs, and amazingly will be able to pass through the barrier, moving backwards. Here's the proof that it can be done, watching the dinosaurs from among the trees, within the forbidden forest.

You can find another pair of dinosaurs patrolling near the exit tube. They walk in a circuit that goes past the exit tube between the two central mountain ranges, and around the smaller mountain range (the one with the lake inside).
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Alan D Offline

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Posted: Mar. 18 2008, 13:50

Exploring Terrain (2)

Flying with dinosaurs

Terrain is one of the most beautiful worlds to explore, and one of the ways to explore it is to hitch a ride with a flying dinosaur. There are four flying dinosaurs in Terrain.

The easiest one to find is the large one (it's artificial - built from circuit boards), and if you hang around the central two mountain areas (east and west of the exit tube), you'll soon see it, flying into view. You can easily hitch a ride by flying close enough to lock onto it. It doesn't travel very far, but just circles around the central mountains. You can just see the exit tube far below, in this shot. (This big flying dinosaur plays an important part in the game, because when you release the three sets of acrobats, it will reward you with a medal.)

There's another dinosaur you can hitch a ride with. This is a smaller pterosaur, and isn't artificial. You can find it flying around the mountain range in the far northeast of Terrain. It flies along a fairly complicated route, but if you wait in the valley that runs through the mountains, you'll see it sooner or later. It will take you over the hills and dales of the northeast mountain range, and during part of its flight, it flies over the forbidden forest. Normally, you can't get into this forest because of the barrier around it, but if you drop off as the pterosaur flies over it, you'll land in the forest. In Maestro, dinosaurs are our friends.

Another, very similar, pterosaur flies around the central two mountain ranges, near the exit tube. Here's a close encounter with the big artificial pterosaur.

There's one more flying dinosaur in Terrain. It flies (rather quickly) in the air above the maze. If you shoot apples at this dinosaur, and hit it, you'll be transported outside Terrain, and indeed, out into space, outside the spaceship. I don't know if it's possible to hitch a ride with this dinosaur - it moves quickly, and I've never been able to lock onto it.

Additional note by a r schultz:
I have actually managed to lock to the Pterodactyl at the labyrinth in Terrain, and got carried around. The point about getting locked is that you are dragged to the ground at the labyrinth, and the dactyl is flying above. So, the only chance to get a lock is to hit it while coming in and moving down from the outside.
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Alan D Offline

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Posted: Mar. 23 2008, 12:07

Exploring Terrain (3)

The Tower

To find the tower, fly south from the exit tube between the central mountains (see map).

The tower itself doesn't seem to play a significant part in the game, but it's worth flying around it to explore it - partly because it's an impressive part of the landscape, but also because of the unexpected ring of gravitars that you'll find around the circumference of the disc-shaped 'roof' near the top of the tower. There doesn't seem to be any way into the tower.

The White Glider

To find the white glider, start at the exit tube in terrain and fly to the north-east mountain range (the one with the curved valley running through it). If you wait in the valley, within a few minutes you'll see the white glider. If you hitch a ride, it will take you on a tour along the valley and up among the mountain peaks.

The Labyrinth

The labyrinth - a large hedge maze - is found roughly northeast of the exit tube, marked 'L' on the map of Terrain. The most obvious reason for exploring the labyrinth is to find the medal (floating in a shower of medals), and the route through the labyrinth is shown in this map (provided by The Thin Man). Also to be found in the labyrinth are the blue moth avatar (which hovers above a pair of arches in the centre of the labyrinth) and a nearby picnic table on which is one of the books. If you explore the labyrinth thoroughly you'll also find several guardians, one of which will shower you with silver balls.

The Acrobats

You need to release the acrobats in order to acquire one of the medals, but their flight is so graceful, and the music so gorgeous, that it's worth releasing them even if you're not on a medal quest. For full instructions, see 'Medal 8' in the Medal Quest thread.
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olracUK Offline

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Posted: Nov. 12 2008, 18:14

Exploring the Bird Cavern

OK - after some brief research here's my opinions of the Bird Cavern.

in many games when you arrive in a certain area what you see is determined by the actions/path you took to get there. So although you see the same basic area, it can be subtly different. This is usually called "instancing". Just as easy to think of it as parallel worlds.

When playing on-line, this means that although players may seem to think they are in the same bird cave, they may actually be in different "instances" and not see each other.

I've 4 ways to enter the cavern, and what you see is generally the same, but a little different each time.

4medal pedestal

Get 4 medals and enter the pedestal in the shield room. Enter the tubes to collect lots of bells. Music on, access to the secret exit available (find strange graphics in green space). Once all bells found enter bird cavern. Key available, music on, no carpets to see. After Birds released, medal to be found. Can't return to bell caves.

Via Pink/Green tube (spring colours)

From start, go through the tube coloured pink/green  in the central hall. Past the green things and arrive in the Bird Cavern at the ship. Pretty much same as arriving via Bell game.


From start, follow the bell. Enter via shield straight to Bird cave. Carpets to be seen, but no music and can't release birds. Can return to bell cave, but no fog and no bells.

From castle area, 4th portal from left

Enter the castle area via the hat in central area, large portal in Bird cave or the tube.

Additional information provided by MVR Superstar:

You can also get to the bird cavern through the flying portal that circulates around the Blind Man's World.

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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