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Topic: I SAY, I SAY, I SAY, I SAY & IN ANSWER, I1 Says  I C 1 GOD OO ID I I  + MOre of< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Aug. 12 2011, 20:41

AN EXPLANATION + links to piece of music & lyrics below.
NOTE IF YOU LIKE THIS I SHOULD COPY IT WHILST U STILL CAN, the other 2 parts have been removed sadly.
The following is a link to the lyric sheet held here on T.net:

Now onto the explanation of why it reads as I have said, & hopefully the realisation in some who need to OM a bit MOre before barking NONSENSE at people inc Mike & others views & see that MO is a deep thinking person for whOM the word OM is well known & understOOd.

So many years ago MO must of analysed his name & worked out this riddle, one must surely wonder why he was driven to this, its immensely complicated, yet he did & also he in it must of found great understanding of the EYE as in "I" as the expression of the 1 (one) also of the "id" as written ID taken from M(I)N(D) but on one side of what I am about to show you, we see OO representing the physical EYES? & in the middle you see the ID of the 1I in mind then 2 I's representing the 2 sides/natures of the 1 for instance good/evil, light/dark ETC.

Right lets first take a look at the main line below:
MIKE 2 SAYS: Oh never mind that. I say I say I say I say. What's got 3 bottles and 5 eyes and no legs and 2 wheels.

OK, 3 BOOOttles are what One would see if you look at a bottle end on & 5 eyes well these are aII "l" "i" "I", yet on cIoser lnspection you WlII see the IL reIationship, for now just accept THlS PIEASE! (oh look there is another one doing a head stand and another!;), AND NO LEGS. get lT? (nothinG below the line!;) OK?  now two wheels, so we neeD 2 finD 2 wheels Can we Get two? , God I hope so! well lets Go C;

LETS now lOOk at Mikes full name Michael Gordon Oldfield
NOW see
                    mIChaeI GOrDOn OIfIeId
3 bOOOttles 5 IIIII 2 wheels GD CD, G C DD

THEN NEXT MIKE 1 SAYS: Well I wouldn't know. What's got 5 wheels, 5 bottles, 3 legs and half a wheel?

AS ABOVE but to get the half wheel adD the last d in his name in upper case D.

LAST IT FINISHES WITH: What's got 3.... Oh dear

well the astute will notice his name carries 3 letters that repeat 3 times and spell= OLD OLD OLD, hence Oh dear!.

HOWEVER IT DOES NOT END THERE, you will need to remove the letters unused as follows:
mIChael GOrDOn OlDfIeld  (D)
  I C 1  GOD  OO ID I I
now if it reads, I see one God OO (eyes? 0+0 =O/0?) ID I I, then what DO U C?.

Further to this if you replace the 3 Ls that Mike told us were Iz,
       or, IDOL IDOL GOLD
       or, IDOL GOLD IDOL
these are aII 4 letter words & there are 3 of them they can be arranged in 3 different ways & there sum is of 3 i.e. 3x4=12 & 1+2=3, THE TRINITY?
SO were thOse OOs HOLY? well the rest is 4 you decide OR/& 4 the BELL ringer to TELL.
That's 1T 4 now its up to you to BELiEVE or not.

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2011, 06:23

@ eye-one: I didn't dare to say any of this this before because I was afraid you'd get cross, but I very honestly think you're reading too much into this whole thing. The "I Say I Say I Say" thing at the end of the Ommadawn demo is to me just a collection of nonsense, of absurdities, which have no meaning (either hidden or visible) whatsoever. It was meant as a joke, and it's wonderfully effective as a joke if you ask me. :D And the name Michael Gordon Oldfield is just a name, in the very same way as my full name is Ugo Rino Coppola. There's no reason to over-analize Mike Oldfield's name (or mine, for that matter) or its supposed symbolic meaning - indeed, I think that trying to find a symbolic meaning inside an ordinary name is completely and utterly pointless.

This is not meant as a personal attack, it is just my point of view.

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2011, 17:31

Dear Ugo & others who take time to read/explore this topic who may not be familiar with the British way of doing things or have complete mastery of the language or it's inner meanings, which is possessed by those whose first/native tongue the riddle is performed in.

The I say, I say theme of riddles dates back to the music hall days as long ago as the 18 hundreds, from 1800 up to current day it has been a source of amusement to both the educated & the uneducated amongst British society.

Furthermore these riddles are normally associated with finding a truth via the muse of the mInD, to try & deeply involve the audience in a humour that requires recognition of ones mind!.

Now Ugo is a very talented and articulate user of the English language, however I am sure he does not have or would not profess to have a complete grasp of its IDiosyncrasies, which can only be gained by living a life time amongst its peoples, just as I would not fully grasp the inner meanings of Italian, unless I was gifted with an Italian upbringing.

Keeping the above in mind, please also understand that the formula I have applied to solving this riddle is not just some weird analytic formula that I invented to fit and discover the result I wished/wanted to find, it's a well known & understood way of encrypting a message from the eyes of the ignorant & amongst people who like riddles or word play in these circles it is used widely, in fact amongst the upper echelons & intellectual families it would be used to amuse children by parents or even in days sadly gone by in first/middle schOOl & hence I am sure MO would be aware of this!.

In order to clear this POiNT up now I feel I must make 1T clear to aII in my placement of this topic I can say without any doubt I/we are absolutely sure of my DECODING/ this is without doubt what MO ENCODED in his riddle, & this is agreed not by just the one mind of I/me it is the sum of three in agreement of the mentality of w3! & thus the only question is what does it mean to us?  This is for you to IDentIfy/fInD & decIDe for yourself aIONE or to then share your mInDs IDeas with us AII.

I would like to end this by stating that the true nature of my revealing what MO has encoded in riddles, is to open his bag of secrets for all to see & find answers not only to this riddle but to the hundreds of things that are there in his artwork, videos, music & especially the gam3s, as it is the sheer size/quantity of the mystic MaestrOs sMbOlisM that has lead us to find but 3 possible answers, if this is all Π(pie) in the sky!, 1T is truly amazing and it's all there for you all to see "IF YOU OPEN YOUR EYES" or should we sing it to you?.  Hence, along with the huge volume of other symbols we have seen this leads us now to tell you all of what we have seen.

Please also note that it has been years in the preparing and that like the lost version it all started long ago be4 that very first sIgn!.  I would like to finish by letting you all know that we have held off in reveling this Information for sOME 3 or MOre MOnths now in respect of the mans wishes, it is only after months of trying to get in touch with Mike to seek his approval for us to go public with our findings & his remaining silent regarding his bag of secrets that we now agree it should be revealed to all eyes, so in this we wish to be your guIDes & POiNT out to you the thIngs the "I"s have seen in h"I"s (MIKES) works! remember I/we are not the creator we are but the the two "E"y"E"s In see the eyes of 3 or MOre mInDs, Interpreters, not Inventor, just wItnesses of 1T that whIch we see you can see aIso.

3ay your GOD go with you,
Yours In Truth,

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2011, 06:48

Quote (Ugo @ Aug. 13 2011, 22:23)
my full name is Ugo Rino Coppola. There's no reason to over-analize

This is not meant as a personal attack, it is just my point of view.

R yes but consider your name...Ugo Rino Coppola..

Now if we apply the "Melozian" shift to the first letter of your first name by a quantum of negative 3 then that gives us E so to replace the U with an E we get Ego.

Now with the second name its all in the pronunciation if in fact it's not R "EE" No but R I1 No then we must conclude this hidden message to read "R" I1  No.

Lastly Coppola...now we all know a Coppola is related to a Cage, applying the "Sectar Migration" here quite loosely a cage can only be usefull after a capture or to be caught so that then gives us this....
Ego R I1 Caught No ...

or No Catch R I1's Ego    :cool:
Spooky Sh*t.

:D  :laugh:  :laugh:
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 04:32

The point would seem to be that if this solution isn't correct, what is the right solution?
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 09:00

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
Also check my Bandcamp page: http://ferniecanto.bandcamp.com
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CJJC Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 10:02

I'm trying to work out if I've gone insane.

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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 11:30

In reply to the above replies in reverse order.  Thank you NIGHTSPORE for your positive outlook I had almost lost hope in finding anyone who could give a carefully considered response.

[Nightspore QUOTE] "The point would seem to be that if this solution isn't correct, what is the right solution?".

If I am right in my understanding of your above reply you are saying that you believe my ANSWER to be the logical conclusion to this riddle, and implying that if it is not as I state, what else could the answer be?.  This is exactly what I am asking every one here to consider along with what can be deduced from this hidden message.

Why would MO encode "I C 1 GOD OO ID I I into Ommadawn? the first part speaks for its self, yet the OO (or 00) ID (or "id") "I" "I" meaning is far harder to interoperate if you lack in knowledge of the true meanings of the "I" as the 1 the sIngular! etc, the ID or "id" as the centre self/being & the two "O" "O" these are the area that I/we are stiII dIvIded on/or unsure of, as previously stated they could be of spiritual nature i.e. as in "O" in holy or GOD, which is the letter at the centre/heart of our Lord GOD, this letter is in its self a visual image & representation of a hOle, just as is the zer"0" GOD & zer"0" have a pure connection which is that they are both invisible to the eye, you cannot see GOD just as you cannot see n0thing these two things exist only in the mInD. So thank you again for your astute and eloquent reply Nightspore.

Milamber I have tried to find information on the laws you used to extract a meaning of [No Catch R I1's Ego] from Ugo Rino Coppola name parts, but if you apply the same standard pattern that I/we used to find the [I C 1 GOD OO ID II ], you get very little from ugO rInO cOppOIa, just O I O OOI, there are no wheels just 4 bOttles , 2 eyes & 3 legs,(JUST A POINT! remember how MO likes cart wheels!;).

An important poInt here is that we did not go looking to find this answer, i.e. in other words we looked for a standard logically used formula then applied it and revealed the message, then took the same formulae and applied it to all the names I could think of with approximate length in letters to M.G.O  and I could only find garbage answers, by this I am not saying this answer will not be found to come from some other peoples names, of course it will, or will it? I would suggest you all go and try it for yourselves I think your be amazed!.

A very interesting thing that Milamber bought up in his reply was the issue of EGO which lead me to go & refresh my understanding of its possible meanings/uses it is a very loosely used word that carries many alternative meanings, its origin is in Greek & Latin here it holds the meaning of the "I" but also has been given over to many other distinctions I will leave this for anyone interested to look at for themselves, if you do I would spend time looking at its connection to the "id" it's not hard to find, a simple Google of the word ego & all should be revealed!.

In ending my reply to your post Milamber I must say I/we are some what bemused by the the intricate nature of what you have written and as stated above could find no knowledge of the laws/reasonings you applied in order to come to your conclusion but if I am right in thinking your intension was to point out how easy it is to use a whole bag full of various decryption formulas in order to arrive at the one answer you set out to find then yes this was an excellent example of it.

Lastly in reply to Ugo in order to clarify certain points not fully highlighted in my previous reply I wish to cover them now for all to see.  Firstly Ugo regarding you saying that you were worried about my getting cross, this could not be further from the truth I am delighted that you took time to read this topic however I/we are saddened by your not seeing its significance straight away but I can as stated in my reply above to you, now try to explain further the reasons behind our coming to reaching the answer given, so please do not think I will be annoyed by your not being able to comprehend our answer, by what you have written you have given us the valuable clue that in order to make this understood by the all we must try to think more carefully about how we present our findings, especially for those whose first language is not English or even if it is, one would still require a British upbringing in a well rounded environment in order to fully understand how this lost versions lyrics are played out as not nonsense but a riddle, a quiz of the mind! so please with the information I have now supplied you reconsider what you find.

I see many times Ugo that you write that you feel MO is a man of nonsense and what I would like for you to glean from this is that this may not be the case, he in his lyrics (and if you look very very carefully you will also see in his visuals) does indeed carry a bag of secrets.  Further more in his music are secret meanings which Mike hates to be asked about, he will laugh off all awkward questions & as everyone close to him knows he cannot abide the word "WHY".  So whilst music may be the universal language, food of the Gods & to MO a musical instrument has a voice, in fact I can remember him saying he likes to make them speak.

When one adds the voice/sound of humans to instrumental music, unless it is done very carefully it becomes a limiting factor as it would restrict the music's appeal to only those who speak its tongue, so MO uses tongues of old ancient and obscure languages in many albums/songs sometimes I think he even uses words in a distant tongue just for their sound in English & maybe other languages unknown to me, perhaps to you or others reading this post.  Because for MO its all about the sound first but I as previously mentioned do not think that he ever gives up on his message or would create nonsense, there is always a hidden meaning in the deep deep sound to be found if you look! and by George one has to look hard to find it! Ugo have you found 1T?. (Well that's a whole other story to one day tell.)

To clarify a minor point to people who maybe trying to identify what I/we are referring to as the lost version it's a set of lyrics that were recorded on (I think I am right in saying) the demo disc back in the days prior to the original being released which are hopefully available via the above link in my first post or included on a disc in the latest reworking of the album, I should also like to point out that the part in question is not at the end but closer to the middle and ends about 2 thirds of the way through.

Ugo why are you so convinced you are right in stating there are no HIDDEN OR VISiBLE meanings that you feel its all just nonsense meant as a joke? you go on to state that M.G.O. is only a name & make the very odd connection to your own name well I am sorry I found this a peculiar argument to place in opposition as a reason to reject or refute my/our answer.  This to us was highly illogical and a rather bemusing argument as the fact is and not meaning to sound rude but your name just as any other beings name in the whole universe do not come close to this unless on some distant planet there is another Michael Gordon Oldfield who happens to have exactly the same set of circumstances surrounding their life, no sorry Ugo the point is this it is MO who created this lyrical riddle he encoded & recorded it and I did not analyze his name I just deciphered the riddle that he encoded in his name.

This stated I am surprised it has not already been deciphered as the lyrics appear to have been in the public domain for over a year now and although I took a brief glance at them a couple of months back, then I initially had little comprehension of their being truly accredited to MO, I too took them to be complete and utter nonsense yet when finding they were indeed of Mikes making I pondered them in greater depth and as we say in blighty (the UK) bobs your uncle! out it popped, a truly masterful bit of confusion first in order to distract the cloth eared and right at the end the clues emerge and finishes with the undeniable confirmation line that would only make sense if you had worked out the real answer prior to the last couple of lines.

Ending Ugos reply; by just saying I could not agree more to what he wrote here ["indeed, I think that trying to find a symbolic meaning inside an ordinary name is completely and utterly pointless."] BUT MUST FINISH BY STATING!  but it is not just an ordinary name is it? its the person who made the riddle
and thus if I had used the name Ugo Rino Coppola to find a meaning NOW THAT WOULD OF BEEN STRANGE!.

I thought I was at the end of my rather lengthy reply to those who have been good/kind enough to add their replies above yet I now see that another has chosen to grace us with their presence & leave their mark of wisdom with us for all to behold, so I should like to thank them also for their highly intellectual input most informative I am sure kindly sir/s (a title as bestowed to one by others yet never self acquired).
CJJC my main hope for you is that you will find peace & happiness whoever & where ever you are.
Well you'll be pleased to know that is 1T 4 now.

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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CJJC Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 11:52

Very kind of you. Thanks.

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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 11:58

Keeping the above in mind, please also understand that the formula I have applied to solving this riddle is not just some weird analytic formula that I invented to fit and discover the result I wished/wanted to find, it's a well known & understood way of encrypting a message from the eyes of the ignorant & amongst people who like riddles or word play in these circles it is used widely, in fact amongst the upper echelons & intellectual families it would be used to amuse children by parents or even in days sadly gone by in first/middle schOOl & hence I am sure MO would be aware of this!.

If that's the case, then that formula must be documented somewhere, right? Maybe in some historical document, scientific research or something like that, because, otherwise, it's impossible to tell what is "well known and understood" from what is pure pareidolia and what is pure bullshit. Surely there must be an explicit and logical reason why a "bottle" represents an "O" and not, say, a "B"? And for what bizarre reason "CD" and "GD" are "wheels" and not, say, an "O"? And why an "L" counts as an "I"? And why you can magically replace "I"s with "L"s in your resulting soup of letters and why YOUR solution is correct and not anyone else's?

I don't even know why I am replying, since you'll respond with one of your immense walls of text that are pretty much iMpossIble to r3ad without me/us getting a h3adache. It's wiser to dismiss you as a troll than to try and rationalise anything you say. And if you enjoy riddles, you should try reading Gödel, Escher, Bach.

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
Also check my Bandcamp page: http://ferniecanto.bandcamp.com
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14al Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 12:52

I go for Ockham's razor.
So it's Monty Python :O
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wiga Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 13:09

Quote (Sir Mustapha @ Aug. 15 2011, 16:58)
I don't even know why I am replying, since you'll respond with one of your immense walls of text that are pretty much iMpossIble to r3ad without me/us getting a h3adache. It's wiser to dismiss you as a troll than to try and rationalise anything you say. And if you enjoy riddles, you should try reading Gödel, Escher, Bach.


O+1 (I1) - aye, you could very well be getting your jollies having folk hopping and bobbing around this textual merry dance, but I'd be surprised if that last post of yours, hasn't given U a H3adache!

But the way I see it, you could also be looking in the wrong place if you think Mike's 'bag of secrets' is written in the text. I think it's written in the musical notes, Do3 Ray Me FaR So La Tee Do3.

So Far So, Far So Far Soo.....

Barn's burnt down - now I can see the moon.
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 13:29

Quote (14al @ Aug. 15 2011, 12:52)
I go for Ockham's razor.

Always a wise move!

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
Also check my Bandcamp page: http://ferniecanto.bandcamp.com
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 13:33

Quote (Sir Mustapha @ Aug. 15 2011, 18:58)
Keeping the above in mind, please also understand that the formula I have applied to solving this riddle is not just some weird analytic formula that I invented to fit and discover the result I wished/wanted to find, it's a well known & understood way of encrypting a message from the eyes of the ignorant & amongst people who like riddles or word play in these circles it is used widely, in fact amongst the upper echelons & intellectual families it would be used to amuse children by parents or even in days sadly gone by in first/middle schOOl & hence I am sure MO would be aware of this!.

If that's the case, then that formula must be documented somewhere, right? Maybe in some historical document, scientific research or something like that, because, otherwise, it's impossible to tell what is "well known and understood" from what is pure pareidolia and what is pure bullshit. Surely there must be an explicit and logical reason why a "bottle" represents an "O" and not, say, a "B"? And for what bizarre reason "CD" and "GD" are "wheels" and not, say, an "O"? And why an "L" counts as an "I"? And why you can magically replace "I"s with "L"s in your resulting soup of letters and why YOUR solution is correct and not anyone else's?

I don't even know why I am replying, since you'll respond with one of your immense walls of text that are pretty much iMpossIble to r3ad without me/us getting a h3adache. It's wiser to dismiss you as a troll than to try and rationalise anything you say. And if you enjoy riddles, you should try reading Gödel, Escher, Bach.

I must assume you are not of an English upbringing and hence would not of acquired the knowledge of how in this sort of word play/riddle a "O" might be referred to as a bottle, well here is why, get a bottle lay it flat on a table and view it from either end, END ON & what do you see? an O maybe!.
Thus a B would never Be seen as a O, n0t logical?.

The D as MO guides us to in line 31 of the riddle, is thus half a wheel, in order to create a wheel one must have at least one spoke in order to create a hub/centre point to act as a pivotal position for an axle.  Thus the CD & GD have this & are due to the fact we are told nothing has a leg! as is the case in the letters gjpqy where these all fall below the line and are hence said to have legs but not if shown in upper case capitals as in Gordon.

Now the l or in upper case capital an L, hopefuLLy you can now see why an I or an l could in lower case be considered to resemble an I especially in fonts that do not display the base and cap on the I as it does here IlIIIlll, clear to you now l hope.

Regarding our solution being the right one, well I was unaware that any other solution had been proposed, if you have one please be kind enough to gift us with it I/we would love for you to do so and enlighten us of its merits i.e. how you arrived at your conclusion, please please please do this I am asking on all our behalves.

Lastly I see you have struggled to read our reverse use of letters for this I am truly sorry if you have suffered in anyway and thus I will try from now on to use only script that should be easily interpreted & translated.  I do however note that you seem to of found quite a mastery of this in your attached posts ending line and applied it to words I to the best of my knowledge would never apply it to yet good try although I must but wonder now what you make of the word Tr3s as in Tres meaning 3 in Spanish used by MO in Tr3s lunas or in English 3 mo(o)ons, or of far greater confusion to you must surely be AMAЯROЖ!.  I hate to think what you will make of the Greek translations that we will be coming to later on.

I am sorry if I have failed in my attempt to help you see so far and in answer to my enjoying riddles and your recommendation that I should try reading those that you mentioned I can only reply one of us most definitely has and I fail to see why in researching the symbolism of MO this could possibly be helped by reading an others works, can you?.

Well no more to add apart from I hope this brings more light to the seeing minds here.
CIAO for now I1.

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 14:17

For someone who has SUCH a massive English upbringing, you seem to have an abysmal grasp of syntax and punctuation, and a great trouble at reading certain important parts of other people's posts, because you ignored when I asked for documental or scientific references regarding your "well known formula" for solving riddles. I don't want to read your distortions and twisted logic -- I just wanted you to point me to a credible, readable source.

Also I have no problem with artistic renditions of text, as in Mike's album titles, but your writing looks more like drunken l337 5p34k to me. And I don't know what are "those" that you said I recommended, since Gödel, Escher, Bach is ONE book by Douglas Hofstadter. And no, it wouldn't help you to solve Mike's alleged riddles; I recommended it because it's more fruitful to solve actual riddles instead of imaginary ones.

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
Also check my Bandcamp page: http://ferniecanto.bandcamp.com
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2011, 19:55

OK, let's reply a bit.

1. I don't believe in numerology.
2. I don't believe in hidden meanings in names whatsoever - neither my name, nor yours, not Mike's, not anyone else's.
3. I fiirmly don't believe that Mike was hiding any sort of riddle in the speech at the end of the "Lost Ommadawn Version". If that really was the case, he would've fought tooth and nail to get that particular version released, so that the riddle would have been heard by everyone. Instead, he decided that the spoken bit was just too ludicrous and he omitted it. If there really had been a riddle within the speech which Mike particularily cared about, would he have ever taken the very hard decision to omit the speech completely? I very honestly don't think so.
4. I never said that Mike was a man of nonsense. I only said that the spoken piece we are talking about is jokey and jocular in its very premise, and that I don't think it contains any particular meaning, because (again), if it did, Mike would've never omitted it.
5. I firmly don't believe that Mike has ever hidden any particular secrets in his lyrics. The bag of secrets that is mentioned in FAtC is his personal life, not some obscure secrets he doesn't want to be revealed.
6. I don't believe that the connection between my name and Mike Oldfield's name is very odd, because what they have in common is the fact that both of them have no particular meaning. Of course I am not the person who made the riddle, but neither is Mike - as I said above, I don't believe that Mike ever wrote, hid or released any riddle at all.
7. I don't believe that the 3 in Tr3s Lunas has, yet again, any particular meaning. It's a typical case of l33t. :p
8. Normally an O is not associated with a bottle. It is associated with a glass. Here in Italy we say all the time that uneducated people draw an O with a glass (not with a bottle) because they can't use a pair of compasses. :D

I also did not exacly understand what is supposed to be the ultimate and final answer to the riddle. IDOL GOLD IDOL - what does it mean? That Mike is God, as I've often heard in these boards? Or that Mike is the statue in the Amarok story? Well, if the latter is the case, I'm afraid that nothing could be farthest from the truth. The Amarok story was written by William Murray. Mike is one of the two men in the story, the other being William. The statue is the music - the record itself. Mike is not an idol. His music may well be an idol, since all of us are idolizing it. :D

@14al: what do you mean by Ockam's razor? I've often seen the phrase Occam's razor in lots of written sources, but I never exactly understood what it means.

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2011, 00:49

Quote (Ugo @ Aug. 16 2011, 02:55)
OK, let's reply a bit.

1. I don't believe in numerology.
2. I don't believe in hidden meanings in names whatsoever - neither my name, nor yours, not Mike's, not anyone else's.
3. I fiirmly don't believe that Mike was hiding any sort of riddle in the speech at the end of the "Lost Ommadawn Version". If that really was the case, he would've fought tooth and nail to get that particular version released, so that the riddle would have been heard by everyone. Instead, he decided that the spoken bit was just too ludicrous and he omitted it. If there really had been a riddle within the speech which Mike particularily cared about, would he have ever taken the very hard decision to omit the speech completely? I very honestly don't think so.
4. I never said that Mike was a man of nonsense. I only said that the spoken piece we are talking about is jokey and jocular in its very premise, and that I don't think it contains any particular meaning, because (again), if it did, Mike would've never omitted it.
5. I firmly don't believe that Mike has ever hidden any particular secrets in his lyrics. The bag of secrets that is mentioned in FAtC is his personal life, not some obscure secrets he doesn't want to be revealed.
6. I don't believe that the connection between my name and Mike Oldfield's name is very odd, because what they have in common is the fact that both of them have no particular meaning. Of course I am not the person who made the riddle, but neither is Mike - as I said above, I don't believe that Mike ever wrote, hid or released any riddle at all.
7. I don't believe that the 3 in Tr3s Lunas has, yet again, any particular meaning. It's a typical case of l33t. :p
8. Normally an O is not associated with a bottle. It is associated with a glass. Here in Italy we say all the time that uneducated people draw an O with a glass (not with a bottle) because they can't use a pair of compasses. :D

I also did not exacly understand what is supposed to be the ultimate and final answer to the riddle. IDOL GOLD IDOL - what does it mean? That Mike is God, as I've often heard in these boards? Or that Mike is the statue in the Amarok story? Well, if the latter is the case, I'm afraid that nothing could be farthest from the truth. The Amarok story was written by William Murray. Mike is one of the two men in the story, the other being William. The statue is the music - the record itself. Mike is not an idol. His music may well be an idol, since all of us are idolizing it. :D

@14al: what do you mean by Ockam's razor? I've often seen the phrase Occam's razor in lots of written sources, but I never exactly understood what it means.

Dear thread readers I am preparing a reply to the post by Ugo but as this may take a considerable amount of time I would just like to say, being of flesh & blood I must sadly rest/sleep from time to time so please expect my reply soon & thank you for staying tuned in.

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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GusFogle Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2011, 01:17

What an absolute nutter...
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2011, 03:37

OK time out...


Now back to business..

C'mon I1 give us the truth stop making us crawl :D
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wiga Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2011, 03:39

Quote (0+1(I1) @ Aug. 16 2011, 05:49)
I must sadly rest/sleep from time to time


I'm bringing Voyager across for some deep relaxation - and it's nice video.


Barn's burnt down - now I can see the moon.
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