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Topic: New Discoveries: The Great Obelisk< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Alan D Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 3670
Joined: Aug. 2004
Posted: Sep. 28 2005, 10:54

This game takes my breath away time and again.

I've recently had to upgrade my computer after a hard drive and mainboard failure, and immediately on trying out Tr3s Lunas I found that I was able to see things that I'd never seen before. One of these was in a place we call 'Space Arrow World' (which is not an 'official' location in the game, but a strange and beautiful place we can reach by evading the arrow that normally carries you to a distant spaceship). Anyway, what I saw was a tiny vertical object, far, far out at sea that looked like an obelisk.

I had no time on that occasion to try to reach it, but MarĂ­a and I mounted an expedition to try to reach it yesterday. It took a long, long time - it was so far away. The first surprise was that in due course the sea stopped and land began - a beautiful, cold, grey-blue cratered surface. Eventually we arrived at the obelisk - for that indeed is what it is - and it seemed enormous. It loomed up, vast, above us, and from the top of it we could look back at where we'd come from. In the far distance the 'normal' game world of Tr3s Lunas seemed like a tiny island in the distant landscape - and indeed the 'sea' (which once seemed so big) could now be seen to be a mere lake surrounded by this coldly beautiful cratered land. Around us wheeled the planets, and a comet; above us the multicoloured nebula glowed from a black sky.

I have no doubt at all that if our lives were long enough we could continue travelling outward and would eventually circumnavigate the whole globe of this planet. But the most amazing thing of all is that all this rich detail exists and yet... no one was ever supposed to visit this world. It was intended merely to be glimpsed for a few seconds when the arrow sweeps us off quickly to the spaceship. As the most richly imaginative computer-generated creation I've ever seen, Tr3s Lunas is still, three years on, providing new experiences, strange new places to explore, and epic moments of its own unique kind of beauty. If you think Mike Oldfield's creativity dried up sometime in the late 90s, then come out here and explore this great wilderness and see how completely wrong such a judgement is.
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