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Topic: Ommadawn and LOTR?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
The Voyager Offline

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Posted: Jan. 02 2006, 08:44

does anyone know if Mike Oldfield was inspired by the lord of the rings? I find his first three albums very LOTR-related :)
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Bill Bobaggins Offline

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Posted: Jan. 02 2006, 09:48

I am not sure if he was, but I am passionate about them both equally.

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The Bell(end) Offline

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Posted: Jan. 02 2006, 09:56

YUK! No thanks, and, no is my answer too, I highly doubt it

Some people find a relation between everything and Lor od the rings, middle earth, that's like, earth  :O

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hiawatha Offline

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Posted: Jan. 02 2006, 15:44

Those early Oldfield albums always seemed to me to be like the musical equivalent of epic fantasy novels. "Ommadawn" especially: I listened to "Ommadawn" a lot as I first read  Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson back around when both came out. Now I permanently associate this novel with "Ommadawn" side 1, and some of the musical sections fit rather well with parts of the book. For those familar with both, the sprightly recorder section reminds me of the Andelaine, and the main chant theme as it appears in the earliest sections reminds me of Mt. Thunder.

The books by Donaldson were among the first "similar to Tolkien" novels to come out in the mid-1970s in the wake of "Lord of the Rings". This association, of course, is all mine as a listener, and I would never conjecture that Oldfield intended such association between any of his first four albums and any books.

"In the land of the Dacotahs,
Where the Falls of Minnehaha
Flash and gleam among the oak-trees,
Laugh and leap into the valley."
- Song of Hiawatha
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Sonilink Offline

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Posted: Jan. 15 2006, 09:37

This picture is very LOTR but in the same time it's called ommaawn

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arron11196 Offline

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Posted: Jan. 15 2006, 12:46

I doubt it personally, because of the way he talks about coming to produce his first independent album, Tubular Bells. Apparently, he came to compose it after many years of careful construction; of fiddling about and trying out things. Tubular Bells could be called a montage of those things, and this is believed to be how he composed it.

The inspiration behind that would therefore appear to be one of simple recognition; to say to the world: "Look! Hey! I can do this!" What he didn't expect was for people to actually like it quite as much as they did...

After the phenomenal success of TB, he became a recluse and locked himself away in a small place near Hegest Ridge. This eventually lead him back to composition, and it helped that Richard Branson kept demanding a follow up.

Sales were brilliant again - but the album as we know is in a completely different vein - supposedly composed from images gained whilst walking along the Ridge.

Ommadawn - well, I suspect ommadawn was just that - ommadawn. This could be the first real instance of what Mike talks about when he says "I just let it out." The composition appears to originate from somewhere else and he just channels it, and it all fits together perfectly. This is only an opinion of course.

In terms of LOTR relationship to HR, well... as we have fairly conclusive comments from the great man as to what this album is about, it is unlikely to have any connection except, perhaps, on the subconscious level.

Ommadawn, I believe personally the same goes for this as HR. It appears to have its own unique energy; and I personally cannot find anything that relates one to the other, in terms of the feelings that I get from the music and the feeling I get when I read the book or watch the films.

Arron J Eagling

Everyone's interpretation is different, and everyone has a right to that opinion. There is no "right" one, I am adding this post to communicate my thoughts to share them with like-minded souls who will be able to comment in good nature.

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JAK_KAO_KOHo Offline

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Posted: June 16 2006, 00:28

I think that there are no relations between the two.

LOTR fans do tend to think that everything is related to LOTR, though.
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: April 12 2014, 05:41

I think Mike's sister Sally was more inspired by Lord of The Rings.
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