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Topic: Ownership law on dogs, what are my rights?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: Mar. 06 2009, 21:31

Just a question for any of you who live in the US. Let me explain my situation. About 2 years ago, a woman who I lived together with 3 years prior, finally decided to lease a house together. She had bought a dog named Eddy a year prior. To make a long story short, as soon as we moved in here, her 22yo son, always in trouble with the law, living off his mom and dad for 6 years now came out one night in March 2008 drunk and made threats to kill her and I. He was arrested and a restraining order put on him.  To keep 200 yards away from me and from her. So he could never come here which is good for me. But mommy(my ex room mate) couldn't live with out his constant trouble with the law and screaming. So she packed up and left mid-way thru the lease. She gave me Eddy the dog out of guilt for leaving me all alone. She continued to pay her rent but renigged on a verbal contract to pay half the utilities. I don't have the phone conversation in which she told me Eddy was mine. Tonight, she was planning on spending the night, then having trucks get her massive quantities of junk/furnuture out in the morning. I've been trying to get her to clear her stuff out for months to no avail, as I can't clean this place and make it ready to vacate in April. We got into a heated arguement and she left threatening to take Eddy my dog. I told her if I came back on a morning after my night shift and he was gone, I'd call the police. The only proof I have that Eddy was a gift is that he has been alone with me for months, a few vet bills, and a neighbor who has seen me live alone with Eddy. If I find him missing one day, what are my rights in getting him back? I must now turn my attention to getting out of here(with no help) on April 1. If I can get to my new apt. by April 1, I will be the only one with a key to the door. Since the lease is still under both our names, I feel if I change the lock, she might drag legalities into this. What a trap has been set for me. Do I legally own the dog? Thanks,

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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TubularBelle Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2009, 21:03

Is he registered in your name? If not, maybe you could do it now.

I hate getting up early. I didn't even realise there were two 6 o'clocks in one day!
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Scatterplot Offline

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Posts: 1981
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Posted: Mar. 12 2009, 00:58

No. I don't think I have a problem anymore. My neighbor says her previous owner told he was her gift to me so I have a credible witness. Me and Eddy will be free on April 1. So, so cool.....

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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2 replies since Mar. 06 2009, 21:31 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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