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Topic: poor mike!, tubular bells it aint the be end all< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
treslunas Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2002, 10:57

poor mike! you are takeing the piss out of him! here is a man which stood up at 18 years old and said i have a dream and that dream is tubular bells WHAM tubular bells was released! he says its his best work because he knows its his best work, for god sake mike oldfield wrote tubular bells and mike oldfield is saying that he knows that it is his best works because he is mike oldfield!
tres lunas xx

Tr3s Lunas (Danny Hudson)
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treslunas Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2002, 07:31

does anyone agree ir disagree? please add coments!

Tr3s Lunas (Danny Hudson)
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Olivier Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2002, 07:58

I don't remember having read he says Tubular Bells is his best work. These days, even with the release of the new album Tres Lunas (usually you say and think your best work is your last work), he says his best work is Millennium Bells, mainly becasue of the Berlin concert. And actually he even said it would be his best work before releasing it. Personnally I don't understand him on this point, I dont think it's his best work and his best concert at all.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2002, 11:12

I do remember him saying that Tubular Bells was his best work - it was in one of the interviews done at around the time of The Best Of Tubular Bells. He said that it was his best work and that he knows that he'll never do any better, or words to that effect.

I think he said that The Millennium Bell was the pinnacle of his achievements, or something like that, which could mean several things...

My question would be, whether he really thinks that Tubular Bells is his best work, or whether it's just his favourite.
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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: Aug. 17 2002, 02:44

There is a clear distance between 'the best' and 'my favourite'. For example, Tubular Bells III is my favourite album of his, but in terms of 'the best' I would have to say Amarok.

I also agree that lots of people do seem to be taking the piss out of him for nothing other than having an opinion. If he thinks Tubular Bells is his best work then that's fine; we all don't have to agree with him (I don't).

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4 replies since Aug. 14 2002, 10:57 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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