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Topic: Practical jokes, Which was your funniest prank?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 20 2009, 19:37

:p what was your funniest prank you got away with as a teenager? deb seward
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Feb. 21 2009, 19:07

I've never been the kind of boy to play tricks on my peers - I always was the kind of boy who underwent other people's pranks... the chosen victim, the scapegoat. :)  

However, one day I was in third year of scuola media - Italian equivalent of junior grade - and a friend of mine, who was normally not a very brilliant pupil, was being questioned on Italian literature, and he was, surprisingly, doing very good. That is, until I suddenly realized that he had his textbook open under his desk, and he was glancing at it from time to time. I was sitting right next to him, on his left... I waited for the propitious moment, while he was looking elsewhere, I stretched my hand and pulled the book away from him. A few moments later, the teacher caught him glancing down at the book which wasn't there anymore, and he said something like "Whatcha lookin' at?" The poor kid blushed, he couldn't say anything more and he got a mark of two, which, as you can imagine :D, is not a good one.

Once I first did this trick, it was repeated several other times by other people on other people. But I'm not sure whether that particular kid ever forgave me. :)

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: Feb. 21 2009, 22:44

Growing up on airbases in the early '70s these things were easy: "Ring 'n run" is a game where you simply ring a doorbell and run like hell, then hide and observe the results. My freinds at Myrtle Beach AFB were masters at it and did make sport of the fact that I was the "fat kid". I lost the pounds when I grew up. But they would ring a doorbell, run to the next house, ring it, all down an entire block. I was huffing and puffing to keep up. If I couldn't keep up, I'd hide in a ditch or bush and observe the results. Great fun. And then there were eggs, so much you can do with eggs and parked cars. Toilet paper: you can gift wrap a car with it, if you have at least 1 partner. Loads of fun.
    Then in 1973(a magic year for music BTW),in the middle of the night me and my buddy Ralph made a concoction in a large can, at least a gallon. We mixed milk, pickle juice, vinegar, urine, mustard and whatever else grotesque that was in the fridge we could find. Stirred it over a fire to get it good and sickly. Then we set out to find a car. We found one with an open window(driver's front window), it was brand new, a Camaro I think. Ralph dumped the entire contents thru the window onto the seat and since it was dark, I assume it went all over the front interior. The next morning(early, like 6AM) something very strange happened. We rode our bikes to where that car was. It was still there, window open. We looked inside. There was no smell, no discoloration, no sign that we had dumped anything into that car. It looked brand new. Is that weird or what? Was there some kind of Camaro angel watching over that car? We were stymied.

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 22 2009, 04:33

Quote (Ugo @ Feb. 21 2009, 19:07)
I've never been the kind of boy to play tricks on my peers - I always was the kind of boy who underwent other people's pranks... the chosen victim, the scapegoat. :)   However, one day I was in third year of scuola media - Italian equivalent of ju

Ugo you did that cheating swot a great lesson....he had to eat humble pie!  deb
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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: Feb. 22 2009, 04:40

Quote (Scatterplot @ Feb. 21 2009, 22:44)
Growing up on airbases in the early '70s these things were easy: "Ring 'n run" is a game where you simply ring a doorbell and run like hell, then hide and observe the results. My freinds at Myrtle Beach AFB were masters at it and did make sport of the fac

Knick knocking eh lol, mike used to get up to no good....putting pennies on train lines, playing chicken with oncoming trains!  deb
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Posted: Feb. 22 2009, 12:14

Quote (Scatterplot @ Feb. 22 2009, 04:44)
We mixed milk, pickle juice, vinegar, urine, mustard and whatever else grotesque that was in the fridge we could find.

So.....you had urine in your fridge?   :D

- Sorry couldn´t help it   :p

For pranks....oh I have done so many..

Once I took some drinking glass and plates and smashed them into pieces, I wrapped it into a christmas present for my niece and just when I was giving her the gift, I accidentally dropt it and the sound of shattered glass hit the floor. My niece who thought that her christmas present was broken, cried like there was no tomorrow - It didn´t even help that she was given another one of her gifts from her parents. After 5-10 minutes of weeping I told her the joke and gave her the real gift.....funny as hell     :D  

When one of my sisters turned 40, 2 years ago, there was a big party. Family, friends and some co-workers was gathered.
When she had open the last gift, I went into the boiler room (I think it´s called) and picked up my gift I had hidden. It was a dildo and I turned it on, put it in a handkerchief and down in a casserole and attached the cloth to the lit. In front of everybody she open the gift. When taking the tape away and opening the lit, the dildo fell down to the bottom of the aluminum casserole and started to make a hell of a noise. Wondering what is was, she grapped her hand down and the sextoy came out into the open. She was so embarrassed and turned blushing red in her face while she and everybody almost pissing the paints while laughing.   :cool:

For some odd reason she haven´t forgiven me yet and have sworn revenge   :p
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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: Feb. 22 2009, 12:22

No, Ralph provided the urine outside. Sounds like you might want to watch your back around your sister.

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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moonchildhippy Offline

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Posted: Feb. 23 2009, 18:57

Maybe Scatterplot was taking the pee :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: . Urine in the fridge.

I'm going slightly mad,
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad , just very slightly mad

If you feel a little glum to Hergest Ridge you should come.

I'm challenging  taboos surrounding mental health

"Part time hippy"


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