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Topic: sad day< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
bee Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2010, 10:08

It's pouring with rain and everything is grey
my poor lovely mum died this weekend after a year long  battle with lung cancer, I held her hand

Listening to this is helping because nothing can understand how sad I am, this music is like a mirror to my feelings right now. Strange coz I hadn't listened to this for quite a while so it's impact is stronger than ever.

She also made it possible for me to go and see Mike play in 1979 & 80 when I was a teenager so it's always deeply connected with her

sad sad I am

....second to the right and straight on till morning....

You heard me before
Yet you hear me again
Then I die
Till I call me again
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wiga Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2010, 10:38

Sorry to hear this Bee. It's sounds like you had one cool mum encouraging you to go see Mike Oldfield in the 70s. I like to think that when we lose someone close that they still live on through us, and keep us strong. Mike's music sure has a way of giving comfort and reaching those depths - like no other.

Barn's burnt down - now I can see the moon.
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Cooper Roy Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2010, 10:40

All the angels are holding her hand, bee. We are all holding yours.


"I have nothing but sympathy for how people behave-and nothing but laughter to console them with.Laughter is my religion.In the manner of most religions, I admit my laughter is pretty desperate."
                                                                   John Irving
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Airborne Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2010, 11:32

You are not alone. There is a reason why she let you go to the concerts. My mother was also a fan of Mike's music and we played some at her funeral. She always wanted Mike's stuff played on Classic FM and it eventually was after she died, so maybe Music of the Spheres will help. You have my sympathy but I hope you can move on. This is not the end for you.
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Philippe Tavares Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2010, 20:48

:/ Ohh God ! Sorry to hear this ! Condolances to you and yours ! Yes it's right Mike's music can really help us when we are sad !
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Michael Hilton Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2010, 23:54

A grey day here in Oz too, my deepest sympathy.
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larstangmark Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2010, 05:14

Sorry to hear that Bee.

I was going to reply with just a sad smiley, but it automatically turned into an angry smiley, which I found inapropriate.

"There are twelve people in the world, the rest are paste"
Mark E Smith
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3Wheeler Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2010, 13:20

Ah just read the Thread.. Sad News Yes,    My Dad Died a Few Years ago and it takes a Few Months to Get over it all...   The Music Helps of Course..   The Memories will pull You through in the end..
Regards  Nigel.

We're Flying Aeroflot, We've Got Reservations.
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Herod Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2010, 17:18

A big hug to you, Bee. I lost my mum too, a few years ago, and I can understand you deeply.

The last 80 seconds of 'Amarok' are one of the reasons for being happy to live in this planet.
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2010, 20:27

Deepest sympathy to you Bee.

My father passed One hour shy of the Millennium so New Years was not really a happy time for the next few years.
The pain will subside eventually as life goes on.
Celebrate her life , reminisce with family and friends and be glad you were there for her at the end of her journey.
Take Care.
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Incantations Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2010, 05:18

I lost My Grandfather a good year ago, but that is nothing compared to the loss of someone as close as a mother or direct family member.

I always (like to) think that I would be (relatively) emotionally intact... But I know I won't. Anyways, sorry for your loss, I hope that you can muster the ability to think past this sad day, and find comfort in faith.

I never had such a connection with Tubular Bells (2003 or original) But i do find I have one with Incantations, simply because it reminds me of past events and such.

With Love--

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Alan D Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2010, 17:19

I've only just now seen this, Tracey. Oh I'm so, so sorry. I'll write a letter tomorrow, but for now - I hope you see this - I'll just say I'm thinking of you.
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bee Offline

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Posted: Aug. 18 2010, 04:59

Thank you so much everyone

It's strange how comforting words from people I don't really know are, but they are...and it speaks volumes about the power of the music

I really really appreciate what you have all said, thank you

....second to the right and straight on till morning....

You heard me before
Yet you hear me again
Then I die
Till I call me again
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Philippe Tavares Offline

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Posted: Aug. 18 2010, 06:05

Quote (bee @ Aug. 18 2010, 10:59)
Thank you so much everyone

It's strange how comforting words from people I don't really know are, but they are...and it speaks volumes about the power of the music

I really really appreciate what you have all said, thank you

;) Simply because fans of Mike Oldfield are a real family !
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Delfín Offline

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Posted: Aug. 18 2010, 13:41

Hi my friend bee, condolences from Spain.

I'm so sorry about what happened to your mum. I'm sure she had to be a lovely one. There's one God and He really is at control of everything, even her soul.

I'm sure listening to Mike's music, specially that album which is for me the best music album in modern music, can give you some comfort and peace. TB 1 and later 2003 also have been very special for my life in certain times.

We all love you here in this small forum/family and hope you will find inspiration, consolation and courage amongst us all.

Keep around in the forum. A joyful and loving rememering for the life of your mum.

The most precious thing I possess, is knowing the answer's yes
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