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Topic: Stopped smoking at last.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
The Caveman Offline

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Posted: May 22 2009, 08:59

Well i've gone a week without sparking up a single cigarette.Finally decided to give up the fags (or ciggies depending on which side of the pond you're on).Not giving up all smoking but the cigarettes have to go.
 In addition i've decided to not use patches or gum or anything because if i'm going to do this i'm going to make myself do it properly and not then have to ween myself off whatever i use to help me stop.One period of withdrawal is quite enough.
I haven't killed anyone yet and the angry bits only last 10 minutes at a time.
  My question to you guys is how long will it take before i get shot of the worst cravings?This is the first time in 9 years that i've really tried to quit.I had given up before my wife and i split up and then started again like an idiot.
 so how long should i expect to feel like a bear with a sore head?I've heard 3 months or so.Any advances?

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larstangmark Offline

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Posted: May 22 2009, 14:08

The "physical" part is over in a few days. The craving after has more to do with habit. Your brain tells you smoking is as essential as eating, and your brain will keep telling you that for years.
My advice is just to decide that going back to smoking is not an option, and gradually I stopped imagine myself having a nice smoke in different situation.
I've tried stopping and failed a couple of times, but I've been free of nicotine for 2,5 years now. I didn't stop cold turkey. I used "products" like snuff and chewing tobacco for about a year.

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Dirk Star Offline

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Posted: May 22 2009, 21:26

I tried to give up about 5 years ago,and I think I lasted about three weeks.I remember I gave my dad and some of his mates a lift back from the pub one night.And of course they were all in the back smoking like bloody chimneys and I just thought "ah to hell with it".There was actualy one guy in the car that night who was a matter of weeks away from dying of lung cancer,and it still did`nt deter me.

I think the first step is that you`ve really really want to give up,for whatever reasons that may be.Health,financial or otherwise etc.In all honesty I don`t think I`ve ever truly reached "step one" so that`s me screwed for a kick off.My father-in-law actualy quit for seven years,and then he lapsed one night while out with his mates and he was suddenly back on them again.He`s quit again since mind a few years later,but I guess it can hit you at anytime is what i`m saying there.Too much caffeine is`nt a good thing,if you`re trying to quit as it kind of increases your cravings apparently.Oranges on the other hand are supposed to supress them somewhat,or so I`ve heard anyway.By the time I was onto my third week,I was on about 25 tangerines a day and I was still chewing off me fingernails...

Anyway best of luck Caveman,you`re doing well so far.I mean I was like yourself really in that I tried to go completely cold turkey from day one.But if you do find yourself struggling,you know I would`nt rule out the advice given by Larstangmark there that`s for sure.I`m not so sure about the chewing tobacco though...Spitting is such a filthy habit.    ;)
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Posted: May 23 2009, 04:11

There has to be a balance in the universe and since dear Caveman
have been very very very reckless and stopped smoking, the balance is going bonkers and the Earth is now on a path directly towards the sun.

To prevent this, I have picked up the gauntlet and bought cigars and some cigarettes - I had to by several, because as a non-smoker I didn´t know which flavor tasted the least bad.
The decision is made and for you Caveman and the rest of the Earthlings the choice fell on cigars..
No need to thank me - I will do my duty and also learn the nearby children in the kindergarten to smoke (in case something happens to me, somebody needs to take over)

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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: May 23 2009, 04:52

:p good on you prisoner, along with caveman it is a positive step, think how much money you will have, you can afford the things you want, you will feel healthier and enjoy food again!
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Posted: May 23 2009, 06:00

Quote (ex member 419 @ May 23 2009, 10:52)
:p good on you prisoner, along with caveman it is a positive step, think how much money you will have, you can afford the things you want, you will feel healthier and enjoy food again!

And exactly how did you get that from my post??

I´m actually saying that I started smoking because of Cavemans behavior     :cool:
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: May 23 2009, 10:03

Well done, Caveman!  

I've never smoked (have an allergy--probably to the formaldehyde) but my parents, brother, my first husband, and a few close friends and colleagues went through the process of smoke cessation.  One friend is in the throes now--about a month into it--and it's going much, much better.

My parents quit when I was little because of my allergy. They resumed many years later to show my brother how easy it is to stop. HA! That was one of their stories, anyway, and the most bizarre one of the lot. My brother even tried acupuncture, but in the end, they all went cold turkey. My parents bought a lot of sugar-free hard candies to help (mainly my mom). My first husband had just quit when we met and thinks he stayed smoke-free because of my influence (his ex-gf smoked). He had a trilobite fossil that he kept in his pocket and held in his hand when he was particularly fidgety.  

Cravings, as larstangmark indicated, last a lot longer than the physiological addiction. One of my former work colleagues said that even 30 years later, there are times that she could go for a cigarette. I know that my parents had cravings years later. And yet, the cravings passed, and they knew that even one puff would be dangerous.

Changing routines and working out helped them. Sometimes, friends and loved ones can consciously or unconsciously sabotage your efforts to make a major change, whether its smoke cessation, weight reduction, or anything else (even going back to school for a degree! ). Change can be scary for everyone.

You've probably done this already, but think of the routines and stressors that used to prompt you to smoke, and brainstorm ways to alter or break those routines and deal with stress differently (I suspect that's why exercise helps). Dirk mentioned caffeine--if you're getting jittery, switch to decaf or herbal tea. If your routine is coffee and smoking, try doing something else with your hands like making a shopping list or "to do" list. If it's smoking and keyboarding...move your computer, change locations--visit the smoke cessation encouragement sites.  If it is smoking and music, take your music on a walk or a run. Meditation and yoga can help, as well, so they (a couple of  former smoker friends) say.

prisoner.of.the.dark.sky....if you weren't on the forum as long as you have been I'd have sworn you were one of my close SL friends, who, upon my telling him that I've gained 10 pounds since moving to Ithaca and was losing it, sent me five pounds of chocolate as a first aid measure!! Nah--you'd have just eaten the chocolate on my behalf, haha. Hmmm...... Next time, I'll have him just send the chocolate to you!

Anyway, Caveman, HANG IN THERE!!!! YOU'LL DO THIS!!! And never, ever, under any circumstances, give out your address to prisoner!!  :p

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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Posted: May 23 2009, 10:24

Quote (Inkanta @ May 23 2009, 16:03)
Anyway, Caveman, HANG IN THERE!!!! YOU'LL DO THIS!!! And never, ever, under any circumstances, give out your address to prisoner!!  :p

I don´t WANT your addresses, nor phone numbers..
I don´t CARE where, who or what your are.
I WANT your cigars, cigarettes and a lot of them..  gimme...gimme..gimme

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olracUK Offline

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Posted: May 23 2009, 17:04

A wise man once said -"Giving up smoking is easy - I've done it hundreds of times". Word I have followed for years.

The problem is staying off the damn things. I gave up in Jan and lasted until March. Might have something to do with starting working for my step dad and temporarily living with my mother.

So right now I'm smoking in the daytime but not at home. And everyone is pretending I've still given up.

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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The Caveman Offline

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Posted: May 26 2009, 09:34

Lol.Thanks for the advice guys.

And Prisoner......i am starting to worry that i'll get home and find a large pouch of tobbaco waiting for me.If you must then Golden Virginia for preference. :laugh:

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Posted: May 26 2009, 14:24

Quote (The Caveman @ May 26 2009, 15:34)
Lol.Thanks for the advice guys.

And Prisoner......i am starting to worry that i'll get home and find a large pouch of tobbaco waiting for me.If you must then Golden Virginia for preference. :laugh:

I wish you all the luck with the non-smoking-thingy but you wont be getting ANY tobacco from me - NONE-zero-zilch-niente-nada-keine!  :D
In fact, I think I´ll have that bag of cocaine that you have hidden behind your toilet too, the meth hidden in the frozen ice cubes and the grass below the sink
 -  no need to waste it in your new found cleanliness crusade.

Ahhh..what the hell...it WAS a joke...I don't know if you are using drugs..

..but if you are and wanna sell cheaply...please CALL...my cellphone number  is 911  :D
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: May 26 2009, 19:00

Glad you have  sense of humor about it, Caveman. :) 

I was thinking while running the other day that I should open my home to people trying to stay smoke-free....get folks in a new routine....up every day running at 5AM, good vegetarian food (and I suppose meat for the ominvores), yoga, dance, meditation, music, hikes in the gorges, more running, gardening, only happy, positive thoughts, singing kumbaya at bedtime, hahaha. But, if they were trying to give up chocolate, too, they'd have to go someplace else. :D

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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ex member 419 Offline

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Posted: May 26 2009, 23:34

:p lol prisoner how about a pouch of old holborn? inkanta sounds good, need to wind down! caveman 1 day at a time my friend! dont open that pouch prisoner put on your step! just joking guys!
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The Caveman Offline

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Posted: May 27 2009, 04:43

LOL!!!Nah i'd sell it!Plenty of people i could sell it to.But not Old Holborm.Should be called Old Throatburn.
 hey how do you know about mt stash Prisoner????DAMN!
(ok one of them is likely but not under the sink and the others i wouldn't touch :) ).

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moonchildhippy Offline

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Posted: May 29 2009, 12:58

Yep I'm having the same thing, trying to give up smoking, I get stressed out and start again.
The problem is most of my friends smoke and my boyfriend.  I'm also trying to get fit too, but I do think ciggies are often replaced by food.
Lukily for me my boy friend is a former army PTI, so I've got my own personal trainer, something that people pay alot of money for    :cool: .  Oh yes so I get free "beastings"
:)  :D .

I'm going slightly mad,
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad , just very slightly mad

If you feel a little glum to Hergest Ridge you should come.

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Scatterplot Offline

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Posted: May 30 2009, 03:26

I have a Ukraine Winston in my hand right now. Been getting my cigs from the Ukraine since uncle Sam brought out the whip. About 3 years now. It's getting harder as more in the USA order from the Ukraine(a lot of brands are out and delivery takes longer). It eventually will end, but I have enjoyed cheap prices for a long time. Tax my ass? No way. That was/is my attitude. But Ukraine eventually will not be able to keep up with new discoverers of low cost cigs. Oh well. Lighting up another Ukraine Winston.....Life is short, keep it fun! An interesting fact: a recently new TAX has been enforced. "The Sin Tax". I'm not in for nude dance bars. But those who want to get in have to pay a $5 tax to pay for "sex crimes". This money goes to victims of rape I guess. Funny. The innocent pay for the guilty. I went into a strip bar in my 20's one time and I'm 48 years old now. I wanted to cry. These old pitiful men putting thier hard earned wages into a thong. See it fly away.....God I felt for their lonliness and wonder now, what is next? The North Korean war, they want it so badly. What will we pay now?

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moonchildhippy Offline

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Posted: May 30 2009, 20:50

This money goes to victims of rape I guess. Funny.

Jim I hope that was a laugh at the government, and not to "victims"/survivors of rape.

I fail to see how that $5 tax will work to end rape , and it's just an exuse for the American government to extort more tax from it's citizens. If the government was serious about trying to prevent rape in the first then I think castration or harsh prison sentences are the only way.  I do know that rape is  a crime of exerting one's power and strength, rather than satisfaction of sexual urges, I think that explains why rape can happen to men and boys too, doesn't mean that a rapist is neccesarilly gay. I have nothing against straight or same sex relationships, as long as it's between  FULLY CONSENTING ADULTS (ideally as a couple for me).

I know that there's often a myth that rape is usually committed by stangers in dark alleys, most raps are planned in advance, and women/girls (since i think 97% of rapes/attempted rapes happen to females) are usually raped by someone known to them, see here http://www.manchesterrapecrisis.co.uk/myths.htm

Here is a list of some of the effcts of rape both short  and long term, I know it can take years to recover from the effects of rape, as that can cause, depression , anxiety, panic attacks PTSD, and possible suicide many years after the event.   I know that events of 20 and more years ago, for fear of it happening again  put me off meeting my now boyfriend in person for sometime, yes but now I have a most wonderful man      
 :)  :D.  I know he said that "sex isn't important" , one day after I was "leading" him on, but later on felt physically weak, it's so pleasant to find a man who thinks like that. I do wonder why I stayed with my husband as long as I did, as we seem to have differing attitudes towards sex.

I wonder if President Obama will put this "Sin Tax" into helping the "victims"/ survivors of rape, (it's a bit like this "Green Tax" on motorists over here, don't see the money raiswed going into road improvements or a decent , affordable , acessible, safe , reliable public transport system)   if the situation in the US is like it is here in the UK then Rape Crisis Centres are seriously underfunded ( yet our MP's are so "skint" they have to claim for bath plugs on the taxpayer , poor dears, sarcasm    :laugh:).
OH well, as Jim said, probably soon have to fund a war against N.Korea.   No doubt our PM will send our boys and girls in to yety another American war , which has nothing to do with us , with pea shooters, yes that's how it's getting. As a Royal British Legion Volunteer Welfare Worker I hear quite alot from former serviemen about the lack of equipment, and it's been in the news about preventable deaths/injuries in Afghanistan due to lack of the basic equipment.

OH yes getting back to the strip clubs issue, I don't know who is exploiting who, is it the women exploiting the men financially, or are men exploiting women as sex objects. I don't know, it's probably a combination of both. Maybe it is sad that these lonley old men feeling the need to visit strip clubs.

Jim I'm sure you meant no offence, none taken, it's just I don't feel in the best of places right now, an't quite put my finger on it, but I'm hoping this will pass.

I'm going slightly mad,
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad , just very slightly mad

If you feel a little glum to Hergest Ridge you should come.

I'm challenging  taboos surrounding mental health

"Part time hippy"


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