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Topic: Techno (mmmm...... Techno!)< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: Feb. 19 2002, 04:44

In places like Pat's Mike oldfield Page, and the opinion post there, Tubular Bells III has copped a LOT of flack for being a 'dance' album. The is especially true from people like liron (is it the same liron here?)

I would just like to say that anyone who says it is a all dance album has not been listening to it at all. There are, in my count, two, mabey even three or four, out of eleven tracks where a dance beat may be heard. These opinions say such things as


I would just like to say, hasen't it ever occured to you that Mike has experimented with techno because he WANTS TO???? Reading some articals about the album, they mention that he finds techno quite pleasent. If you don't like dance music, fine, but listen to the other tracks on the album!!!!!!! Far Above the Clouds, Serpent Dream, The Inner Child and all the rest of them. It is not an album for a generation of dum-dums. It is what people have been wanting Mike to do all through the 80's, an instrumental album (mostly), and people are still complianing. I don't like Celtic music, but that dosen't mean I go around complaining that it isn't Mike, I just DON'T LISTEN TO IT.

Sorry about this, but this is my favourite album, along with TBII, and I can't stand narrow minded people. And also, if Mike's albums don't sell, he would give up. Does anyone want that?

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Shingebis Offline

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Posted: Feb. 19 2002, 11:20

Yeah, I've noticed the same thing about the opinions on that page, and personally I find it amusing how all the complainers manage to contradict each other so much...

"Aargh! Dance music! Mike should stop playing with new styles and stick to what he does best."
"I wish Mike would make something new, instead of trying to make more and more sequels to his old work."
"I wish Mike would make Amarok 2."
"It's stupid to call this Tubular Bells 3. A TB album should have a Master Of Ceremonies announcing all the instruments..."

The thing is, this is the one album which ought to be perfect from just about everybody's point of view. The diehard fans get to hear some of his best work ever (as long as they actually listen to it instead of staring at the album cover in disgust), the record company is happy because the TB3 name sells lots of records, the techno fans listen to the album and get introduced to a whole new world of music.

I guess there are just some fans around who believe that Mike is *their* discovery, and he should make music only for them - the last thing they want is for 'cloth-eared nincompoops' to discover his music too.

OK, rant over smile
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TheInfection Offline

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Posted: Mar. 06 2002, 02:02

Well said! smile

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tubularbills Offline

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Posted: Mar. 06 2002, 16:50

Well said raven4x4x!!

i love TB3 as well. it's my favorite album! From the beginning to the end, i like all of it (even though Man In the Rain took a little time to get used to).

but the thing is, it's not a total dance album. all 46 minutes of it aren't bass bass boom boom. in fact, only tracks 1 and 10 are what i would consider club music. FATC maybe in like a trippy psychodelic progressive place, but i highly even doubt that.

there are still "classic" mike styles in this album. TOp of the morning is his awesome work on the piano. Outcast is a standard (maybe a little more moody and angry) guitar solo. Jewel in the Crown and the Inner child are his more dramatic pieces, and Man in the rain is a good song (even if it does sound like other songs he has written, it's still a decent song). and of course, FATC has the awesome bells. i love the bells. BELLS BELLS BELLS BELLS BELLS!!!! i love 'em all!!!

and like raven4x4x pointed out: if you don't like it, just stop yur b*tchin and don't listen to it! smile

say what you want, whether if TB3 is "mike" or "media" i still think it kicks ass.

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Morgues Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2002, 23:44


At first, when i first heard the album i was like..what the..but it quickly grew on me. Now i think that it is a perfect transition into a new age of music, and mike has managed to maintain is unique style.

Building up, climaxing at the end with one of my favourite all time tracks he has ever written.

I reckon there is true skill involved in being able to merge the two styles together.

and fuck i love it smile

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mirwais57 Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2002, 05:14

anyone who even thinks that this album is even slightly related to techno has majorally got their genres mixed up. here are a few songs that are actually techno.

80's techno
New Order-Blue Monday
Kraftwerk-The Model
Human League-Dont you want me

Modern Techno (You probably wont know these)
Aphex Twin-Come to daddy
Orlando Voorn-Armchair Education
Aphex Twin-Digeridoo

A song has to have more than a beat and a keyboard to be a dance album


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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2002, 04:28

Yeah, he's a dance freak. I know 'coz he's my brother. Plus, I think he agrees with me!

One thing I want to know is, why isn;t anyone arguing with me? Wher'es Gareth or Liron? It's mice to have people agree with my, but I want some action! rolleyes
Anyway, it's nice to have posted a topic that people actually reply to. I started this 21 days ago, and already 5 replies, plus this one. That's more replies than any of my other topics! Cool.

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tubularbills Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2002, 12:19

You're wrong raven! no! TB3 Isn't a dance album, and it's not even a bell album. in fact, it's not even mike, it's just the stereotypical media. horrible album, bad bad bad.

what do you have to say to that????!!!!

smile just kidding. i love this album, and everything that goes with it (previous post pretty much explains that).


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timshen Offline

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Posted: Mar. 15 2002, 13:02

Maybe people hear the first track ,switch off and label it a dance album! Stupid really! As you say, only 1 and 10 can really be remotely considered 'dance' or 'techno'. Jewel in the Crown is my favourite and that is almost pure rock with some indian bits thrown in!

Wonderful album!

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Baggiesfaninessex Offline

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Posted: Mar. 18 2002, 16:02

At the risk of being slated by all of the TB3 massive fan base out there, IMHO TB3 is one of MO's most disappointing albums. I was looking forward to far more exploration into club styles and a total departure from MO's more traditional style. Unfortunately, I find the album lacks any true structure, the club style is touched on but not developed to any satisfaction and it looks like the majority of the album is made up of ideas that didn't make it onto previous albums.

Don't get me wrong, I love parts of the album, there are touches of MO's brilliance here, but TB3?? - even the title shows a little lack of invention! Plus, Man in the Rain is virtually a Moonlight Shadow re-write!

C'mon Mike - you can do much better than this. I would have preferred a whole album of club and dance music. wink

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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: Mar. 19 2002, 03:22

Yeah, mabey it isn't really a Tubular Bells album, like Tubular Bells II was, but I still like it. It does have a hell of a lot of styles in it, but I like that. I think that it shows that Mike can experiment with heaps of different types of music and still make a listenable album out of it. Anyway, I don't mind if Man in the Rain is an obvious rehash of Moonlight Shadow, all I care about is whether I like them. And I do. Little things like the title don't matter really, when you think about the music. Yeah, a bit more of that dancey beat would have been nice, but I'm not complaining.

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Baggiesfaninessex Offline

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Posted: Mar. 19 2002, 15:25

Fair comment Raven. If we all liked exactly the same thing the world would be a boring place. Diversity makes life interesting.


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