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Question: Third single from Tres Lunas :: Total Votes:20
Poll choices Votes Statistics
Misty 3  [15.00%]
No Mans Land 1  [5.00%]
Return To The Origin 0  [0.00%]
Landfall 1  [5.00%]
Viper 2  [10.00%]
Turtle Island 8  [40.00%]
Fire Fly 0  [0.00%]
Tres Lunas 5  [25.00%]
Daydream 0  [0.00%]
Sirius 0  [0.00%]
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Topic: Third single from Tres Lunas< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ProjectZ Offline

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Posted: Aug. 04 2002, 12:11

If there's is to come a third single out of the Tres Lunas album (after To Be Free and Thou Art In Heaven), which track would you prefer?
Your votes please... :cool:

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theweightless Offline

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Posted: Aug. 04 2002, 15:52

turtle island should have been the first single..or tr3s lunas..best tracks on the album.

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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Aug. 05 2002, 05:28

Well Mike's UK fans would just like to get the album,never mind 3rd single!!!!What the hell have Warner Spain been doing,Mike has moved on from Tr3s Lunas now,to the new Tubular Bells release.
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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: Aug. 06 2002, 06:06

Yeah, hurry up so I can get it!
I won't vote yet, because I haven't heard any of the tracks fully. I'm going for Tres Lunas at the moment, I love the sample on that site!

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a_r_schulz Offline

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Posted: Aug. 07 2002, 03:21

On the first hand, I'd rather have at least one of the first two released here in Germany before considering a third  :/
Let's hope they've got some left there when I go to Mallorca in September...
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a_r_schulz Offline

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Posted: Aug. 07 2002, 03:22

(Just found that I posted twice, so I'm editing the second copy to reply to the following)
Offended ? Me ? Never mind - That was just the normal rant against WEA's publishing strategy. No intention to become personal against anyone here at the board...
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ProjectZ Offline

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Posted: Aug. 07 2002, 14:22

I apologize for asking such a question, as lots of you haven't heard 'Tres Lunas' or the 'To Be Free'-single... :/

I was curious to know what those who have 'Tres Lunas' would like to see as the next single...

I didn't mean to offend somebody... :/

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ProjectZ Offline

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Posted: Aug. 07 2002, 14:22

I apologize for asking such a question, as lots of you haven't heard 'Tres Lunas' or the 'To Be Free'-single... :/

I was curious to know what those who have 'Tres Lunas' would like to see as the next single...

I didn't mean to offend somebody... :/

the VANGELIS forum : Invisible Connections ( http://www.vangelis.fr/ )
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timshen Offline

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Posted: Aug. 08 2002, 07:59

I would choose Tr3s Lunas as it is more guitar oriented with a catchy tune that would carry well on radio (like it or not that's what singles are released for). Actually, Return to the Origin would come a close second.

I'm not sure why Thou Art.. was released as a single! To me it's not one of the best.

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MusicallyInspired Offline

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Posted: Sep. 26 2002, 07:35

well i think maybe he wanted to release Thou Art In Heaven in it's original form (berlin 2000 drums) along with the slower one on TL which dissapointed me a bit. im glad the one with the better drums was released.

about which next single....hmmm........either Viper or No Man's Land. or maybe Turtle Island. i wont vote either right now.

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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Nov. 11 2002, 17:53

It's been a long time since TAIH(Thou Art in Heaven) was released as the second single of TL,what's next now,Tubular Bells remake as the next single??

There's something quite wrong somewhere...Warner Spain forgot to continue promoting TL... :(  :(

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