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Topic: To be free. One question< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
oriel Offline

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Posted: July 16 2003, 16:49

Hi everyone !
Could you tell me, who is that black girl on "To be free" video ? I was thiked, that is Sally Oldfield, but she is
Oldfield's sister, and she is white. Why Sally, there is
"that black girl", not Sally ?
Sorry for my english. I am tinking that everyone understand me :D
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: July 16 2003, 17:47

Can't really help you here, on saying exactly who the woman is, but I do know that she's nobody connected with the process of making the record - the vocalist on To Be Free, Jude Sim, is a blonde, so definitely isn't the woman there!

She'll just be a model who they employed because she had the kind of looks they were after (good choice too), but I don't know her name - for that, you'd have to find someone who was connected with the making of the video (or somebody who recognises her from somewhere else).

I certainly understand you fine, oriel :)
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oriel Offline

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Posted: July 17 2003, 02:56

Thank you for high answer. But you write:
the vocalist on To Be Free, Jude Sim
I thank, that Sally, Oldfield's sister, was recording vocice on other studio, and Oldfield mixed this with his music.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: July 17 2003, 03:36

Well, I can't say much, other than that Jude Sim is the only vocalist credited on the single, as 'lead vocalist'.
If you read between the lines (and there may be no lines to be read between...), it leaves open the possibility that there could be other vocalists taking lesser roles on the song...but if any vocalist was going to be picked to appear in the video, it would be the lead vocalist - that's why Anita Hegerland is in the Pictures In The Dark Video and not Barry Palmer...but that's not really relevant, as it's not Jude Sim, Sally Oldfield, Amar, or anyone else I can think of!
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oriel Offline

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Posted: July 17 2003, 03:42

Ok, thank you for answer !
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Spinne Offline

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Posted: Sep. 06 2003, 11:14

As far as I know, Sally recorded some voices for the game. In fact all those indications that you can hear: "Welcome", "return to the origin", "the Earth Spirit is watching you", "find the ring"... and some of those can be heard too at the record (that's why she is credited, but maybe she did some backing vocals too).
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5 replies since July 16 2003, 16:49 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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