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Topic: ToBeFree instrumental, more information about that< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
siul Offline

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Posted: Oct. 01 2002, 13:28

Hello everybody.
In the last promotional video of Tres Lunas, that you can download from
in the initial section, more or less in 1:20 minutes, we can hear in the background sound one instrumental version of ToBeFree. It's far better than the official version, more acoustic sound, with more soul.
I suposse it´s a early version, and later the lyrics were added.
Maybe someone has more information about that instrumental version.
Thanks in advance.
(Sorry about my english)
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Oct. 03 2002, 15:29

From what I remember of what I heard on that video, it seemed to just be the same track but without the lead vocals. I would assume it was either from before the lead vocals were recorded, or they were taken off that particular version of the track (for what reason, I couldn't say).
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siul Offline

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Posted: Oct. 10 2002, 11:07

Hello again.
IMHO there are several early versions from tracks of Tres Lunas with diferences in front of the final versions in the record.
For example, I could hear one different version of the track 9 "Tres Lunas" in the spanish radio station "M80" in the program "Musica Privada". Mike said that he tried record that track five or six times before he achieved the final version. The early version I could hear was similar in mood to the track "Turtle Island" with the same style of electrical guitar at the final, very nice.
In my previous message I talked about a early instrumental version of "To Be Free".
Maybe, one day, someone will offer those early versions through Internet. It was possible for the early versions of "Tubular Bells II". I hope also will be possible for the early versions of "Tres Lunas".
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2 replies since Oct. 01 2002, 13:28 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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