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Question: Tubular Bells 2003 - success :: Total Votes:47
Poll choices Votes Statistics
Yes,it's going to sell like the original 6  [12.77%]
Yes,but it's not going to sell like the original 11  [23.40%]
Yes,glad that he re-recorded it for his own satisfaction 20  [42.55%]
No,Mike is losing his time re-recording the album 3  [6.38%]
No,it's not going to be successful at all 2  [4.26%]
No,he should have worked on something else 5  [10.64%]
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Topic: Tubular Bells 2003 - success< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Nov. 19 2002, 17:42

Your opinion about TB 2003 success...

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: Nov. 21 2002, 04:19

I am quite excited about the new Tubular Bells. It probably won't sell as well as the original (I'm wondering if it will even get promoted over here in Australia! ), but I think rerecording it will make it sound very good. At least we now know that it won't be as screwed up and different as some people seemed convinced it would be. The main reason he did it was to fix some of the bits he thought were bad, it's a project for his satisfaction.

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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Nov. 27 2002, 19:29

IMHO it's unlikely to sell like the original because we are no longer in 1973.  :)

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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theweightless Offline

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Posted: Nov. 28 2002, 11:49

if they would advertise it on tv..then it could be a success, otherwise not. that tubular world thing would be a great extra kick to the advertisement. :cool:

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Mige Iranzo Offline

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Posted: Dec. 21 2002, 16:12

I personally doubt it will sell a lot, but i really don't care. I see the project like something that only will appeal at the fans (and not all the fans)... Why? Because it will sound like a 73' masterpiece, not like a 03' "las ketchupesque" song...

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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Dec. 21 2002, 18:08

I think that it's likely to be a medium hit because of the name - but only with the right promotion, and I think it will be difficult to promote in a lot of places because so many people have it already (and yes, it may be a new recording, but how many people are going to care?). It may be a chance to sell it in places where Mike isn't so popular at the moment, though (like the USA) - billed as being the chance to own an essential piece of music in a new, perfected form, or something like that (this marketing campaign  may have to rely on perpetuating the perception of Tubular Bells as Mike's greatest work, though...).

It's good that he's been able to do what he wants with it, though.
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Dec. 23 2002, 08:05

I think it will sell well,i mean,next year is also the 30th anniversary of Dark Side Of The Moon,and that is being re-mixed for 5.1 digital surround,and i can see a lot,lot,lot of people buying that album,including people who already have copies of it,including me,i mean for there is not a better album to test your home surround kit on than Dark Side,when i bought my HI-FI stereo in 1991,i took 3 albums to test it on,it is a pioneer stereo,so,it's very good,i took:
Dark Side Of The Moon,
Tubular Bells 1,
Brothers In Arms,
In my opinion these are the best 3 albums to test any stereo on,i bought the stereo for £1100,and i still have it to this day,and it still sounds and looks better than anything else around.
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Dec. 23 2002, 13:53

He talked about doing a surround sound remix in that recent interview but didn't sound keen on the idea.

It will be interesting to see if the aniversary of TB gets overshadowed by the aniversary of Dark Side of the Moon, methinks there is a strong chance of it. The music press in this country don't seem to need any excuse to run features on DSOTM, there alway's seems to be one on the go in some music mag on the shelves.

I think the differece will be made success wise If he tours with it and (what I'm hopping for) releases an INTERESTING box set to get back in the public conciousness.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Dec. 23 2002, 16:37

Mike's not been keen on the idea of music in surround sound, seemingly since quadrophonic was abandoned (perhaps he discovered then that he didn't actually like it much).

One reason he gives is very good - that surround requires a person to be sat in a particular spot to get the proper effect, and that's not the way in which most people want to listen (of course, stereo also requires the listener to be in a particular spot, but from Mike's perspective, producing a stereo mix is a whole lot easier). His other reason has been that it can be distracting to have music coming from all over the place. I'd only half agree with that - I think that if done well, the enveloping effect of a well done surround sound mix can be brilliantly involving and engrossing. If it's done just for the sake of it, to show off the system a bit, it can be tacky and at odds with the music, and destined to date quickly...

Surround's expensive, though, both for the mixer/recordist and for the listener, due to that simple fact that it needs more of everything (you might be able to afford a pair of hifi speakers at £500, for example...to turn that into a surround system of the same quality, you'd be looking at nearer £2000 - not an insignificant amount). At the end of the day, I'd rather have a nice sounding stereo mix and listen to it on nice sounding stereo equipment, than listen to a gimmicky surround mix on equipment bought for quantity rather than quality...and I suspect that Mike thinks similarly.
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