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Topic: What's Jim up about? Take a look at this., Eddy< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Scatterplot Offline

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Posts: 1981
Joined: Dec. 2007
Posted: Nov. 30 2008, 04:01

I recently left what some of my fellow tubularians misconstrued as a boo-hoo letter. This is not the case. I have this "holy grail" of a prize to protect and cherish. The most pure life form Terra ever produced. So intelligent, so loving unconditionally. Better than all the files, mixers, synths, guitars, PC's, CD's, DVD's and all else. Take a look......

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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Scatterplot Offline

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Posts: 1981
Joined: Dec. 2007
Posted: Nov. 30 2008, 04:14

I took these about 24 hours ago. The rawhide bone was like amphetamines. He went nuts with it. If only the rest of us could be so content with that. Don't underestimate him. He has shredded my hand like Joe Satriani or Steve Vai.

We raise our voices in the night
Crying to heaven
And will our voices be heard
Or will they break Like the wind
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Silver Negus Offline

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Posts: 357
Joined: Sep. 2007
Posted: Dec. 03 2008, 11:29

steve vai or joe satriani shred somebody's hand...  that would be scary.  Better wear gloves then. :laugh:
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2 replies since Nov. 30 2008, 04:01 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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