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Topic: Yan Parel - Forgotten Shores, Instrumental/Medieval/Celtic Album< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Osiris Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 27
Joined: Feb. 2001
Posted: Jan. 24 2025, 06:06

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share my first album, Yan Parel's "Forgotten Shores".
It's an instrumental/orchestral/medieval/celtic/electronic album, storytelling oriented, like Mike Oldfield does so well. He's my favorite composer, so I can deny the inspiration, but I'm not a guitar player, and I do really have acquired my own style since the 90's when I started composing. Forgotten Shores is an album with lots of rhythm changes, action, emotion, energy, introspection, quests accomplishment, exploration of mysterious continents that could be those that we have deep inside ourselves...

I really do hope you'll like my music, and follow me in a journey beyond the ancient mists, to the forgotten shores...

Here is my Bandcamp site where you can listen to my music:
Yan Parel Bandcamp

And the teaser of my album, there are also other videos on my channel:
Forgotten Shores Teaser

Yan Parel is on Facebook and Youtube, if you want to follow me.

Best Tubular regards,

Osiris/Yan Parel
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