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Topic: Youngest fan of mike oldfield< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
treslunasworshipper Offline

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Posted: July 07 2002, 03:10

hi im new to this site and i am only 11!! does this make me the youngest fan of mike? i have been listening to him since i was 2 months old on a vinal disc! if anyone is this young then contact me, we are in a minoraty!
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Blue Dolphin Offline

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Posted: July 07 2002, 07:02

Nope, I've been a fan since I was 9 or 10. ;)

But there was another one on this forum who was much younger. I believe it was Korgscrew, who listened to Oldfield when he was about 5.... check the rest of the forum, I started this disscusion a long time ago. :)

-The mark of a good musician is to play one note and mean it-

Mike Oldfield - 1980
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zinc Offline

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Posted: July 07 2002, 16:44

No this little guy is the youngest- i should know i'm his father !
It's true he was rocking in his pram to tubular bells 2 as a baby. In fact we played some Tubular Bells and Ommadawn during the labour ! it seemed to calm him down a bit too.
At his school disco last friday he requested Man in the Rain and to the surprise of his mates boogied around to it.
Not quite Steps or Westlife

Zinc  :laugh:
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Luke 666

Posted: July 09 2002, 15:44

I started listening to Mike in about 7 (Q.E.II. - generally Taurus I (my favourite)).

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Tubular Cobra Offline

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Posted: July 21 2002, 02:35

I am the Real 11 Year old Here :,( Poor Me! ^.^! Oh Well!

ooo! Look at my Pretty Black Stripes! :D and btw - Mike Oldfield Ownz You!(Well Not Really)
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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: July 21 2002, 05:21

I'm not sure when I first heard Mike Oldfield. I can remember being around 12 or something and listening to Tubular Bells, but I had heard it a lot by then.

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Tubular Cobra Offline

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Posted: July 21 2002, 17:11

The Very First Time i heard Tubular Bells was when i was 6 Years Old And now My Computer Is Filled With Tubular Bells and mike Oldfield!

ooo! Look at my Pretty Black Stripes! :D and btw - Mike Oldfield Ownz You!(Well Not Really)
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maria Offline

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Posted: July 21 2002, 17:25

i remember the trip i made with school, at the end of 8th course, thirteen years old, i spend half the money i had in a second hand record shop  :)  i bought ommadawn, tubular bells, hergest ridge and platinum... all the excursion caring for my vinils... they were my treasure... :) so i must have been listening to him since twelve more or less too, now i'm thirty one and keep on been surprised with the beauty and the truth of his music... :)

...morning and evening i'm flying, i'm dreaming...
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: July 21 2002, 17:41

Although I´ve been a fan of Mike´s work for 9 months,I remember watching the William Tell Overture video on TV
when I was 10...

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Aug. 01 2002, 13:58

All three daughters (ages 8, 10, 15) listened to MO in utero (zinc--I suspect your son did, too, eh?). HR, Incantations, Ommadawn (and for the youngest) TBII accompanied us in the hospital. The 8 and 10-year old are still fans, especially of the vocal stuff, and absolutely WHINE (yikes!;) sometimes for MITR and MS. They've also been know to get into fights over which one to play first. They, along with two other young MO fans (daughters of someone on the Amarok ML) sang "TBF" in the car while we were driving around Chincoteague and Assateague Islands (Virginia) this past June.

My 15-year-old is into other music; in fact, she has been known to tease me about being so in love with MO music. Earlier this summer, she flew off on a music tour, and one of the last things she said (out of the blue) before departing was, "Mom. Just want you to know. I really don't think MO's music is all that bad. I kinda like some of it."   Guess if something had happened she didn't want me to go through life thinking she didn't like the music. ??? <-:

All three seem very interested in playing MVR, so now that our summer is calming down a bit and we have the key, I imagine they'll begin playing very soon. We're in the US, so perhaps though I'll not be able to be online at 11 am local time (ah, the sacrifices of working <-; ), you might run into the three of them. If they can agree on an avatar. <-;
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Yoshimitsu Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2002, 03:17

At 27 I am not the youngest, but I admire younger people than me that also enjoy Mikes music.

I can remember seeing a music video of, what I think was one of Mikes. It was played on the ABC in Australia before Dr Who 6pm'ish.. in the earlier 80's. I loved it.

If it was Mike that means that without the prompting of parents or surounding adults, I was listening to Mike when I was about 5 or 6 year old.

The clip had men who were flying all sorts of contraptions and a dog ended up sitting listening to a gramaphone. Was this actually a MO clip? Was Mike in this clip?
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